Have You Been Struck By The Dreaded Three-Strike Curse?

Have You Been Struck By The Dreaded Three-Strike Curse?

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Have You Been Struck By The Dreaded Three-Strike Curse?

Like good things, bad things also happen in threes. It is what is called the three-strike curse and it is all the more frustrating when such things happen to the S2000. Some of us are lucky to never have experienced this and yet there are stories out there on the forums about dame luck ditching our fellow owners on three separate incidents.

Such incidents could take the form of a ding, followed by a tear in the soft-top and then the eventual discovery that someone had attempted to use a set of keys to scratch a modern art masterpiece on the body. The very thought of such things happening is scary.

To illustrate:

– A Spa Yellow AP1 I know of hopped a curb and was hit two different times while parked all within a couple of months.

– Then, all on separate occasions, a Berlina Black AP1 was backed into, was backed into again and then scratched and keyed.

– Yet another Berlina Black AP1 got a little squirrely on a spirited drive ending up in a ditch, collided with an oncoming vehicle that was turning left in front of her and led to the driver dealing with the hassle of repairing their own car and the other car.

– A Rio Yellow AP2 was nailed by a WalMart plant rack due to 70-mph winds and then rear-ended by a Pepsi truck on a snowy day.

– A fellow news team member discovered a tear in his soft-top, and a little later was rear-ended driving another car. The next day this other car was struck yet again in a parking lot.

Make us wonder, whether one must wait to begin work on any damage incurred, just in case they have been struck by the three-strike curse. With the inclement weather out there, the probability of incidents occuring is higher.

For that matter, it does not have to be mutliple incidents. Even a single incident could be a game changer. Therefore, please be careful out there this season.

Have you been struck by this phenomenon called the “three-strike” curse? How did you cope with it?


Image courtesy of Orange2K

NOTE: S2KI welcomes the opinions of its members on the S2000 and on all topics related to the S. Should you feel the creative urge to pen a few words then by all means do so and PM Energetic, Aashish2, Onehots2k OR GavinSSAP1  OR send us links to what you would like us to write about and we will feature you (or your community) on the S2KI Home Page.

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