AP2 V1 replica wheels $600 - good deal?
I would not powdercoat replicas. Usually replica oem wheels are made using a cheap casting method. For the money I would buy a set of authentic ap2v1s. Why buy a replica when an authentic can be purchased for the same price or less?
You're better off buying this set instead, but I don't recommend it. I almost bought some myself awhile back when I first purchased my AP1 but I couldn't get myself to do it because they are replica wheels. Replica wheels aren't like replica lips. Damaged lip, no big deal. Damaged wheel, that's a whole different story. I waited patiently for a nice set of OEM AP2V1's locally and it paid off. I also ended up getting Hankook V12s 255/40, 225/45 and I am very happy with the setup. In the end, I am extremely thankful I waited for an OEM set to pop up for the right price.
You're better off buying this set instead, but I don't recommend it. I almost bought some myself awhile back when I first purchased my AP1 but I couldn't get myself to do it because they are replica wheels. Replica wheels aren't like replica lips. Damaged lip, no big deal. Damaged wheel, that's a whole different story. I waited patiently for a nice set of OEM AP2V1's locally and it paid off. I also ended up getting Hankook V12s 255/40, 225/45 and I am very happy with the setup. In the end, I am extremely thankful I waited for an OEM set to pop up for the right price.
Still I suggest buying a used set. They are out there just be patient.
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