Area Vacations
Go to Atlanta. It's a little further, but you can be there in 4 hours, which isn't so bad. Go to the High Museum (there's a bunch of stuff on loan from the Louvre in Paris). It's a several year long collaboration, right now there is greco-roman/ancient stuff there. My mom and I went last summer and it was stuff from revolutionary period France (late 18th century)....think Marie Antoinette/Louis XVI/Versailles. That is my favorite period in French history (yes I have one of those), so it was right up my alley. Stay at the Double Tree in Marietta. It's about 15 minutesish to the museum, which is on Peach Tree Street (I think) downtown. There's also a ginormous aquarium there and the Coke factory, which is lame except tasting all the different Coke products from around the world.
Originally Posted by Fuelrush,May 20 2008, 10:55 PM
I want to see the Atlanta aquarium bad. I love sharks. They are one of two.. (or were) places in the world that have whale sharks on display. One day I hope to keep sharks myself.