Little has changed however there may be a small error in the html of the page(s) which the browsers are generally overlooking but which Norton is having a problem with. The site header is a bit broken but that was done after you reported this problem. You have this same sort of problem on all of the pages or just this one (Topic Display)?
I would like to ask a favor from anyone having this problem, can you please Load a page that's screwed up and Click on the View menu and then choose the Source item. This will open Notepad with some info. Click Notepad's File menu and choose the Save As... option. Type in the filename of "s2ki" or whatever makes sense and save it.
Then, using your email program, Outlook whatever, send a message to and include the file you saved AS A FILE ATTACHMENT.
This will allow me to look at what IE is seeing and I can compare that to what I see and figure out what Norton is changing.
Then, using your email program, Outlook whatever, send a message to and include the file you saved AS A FILE ATTACHMENT.
This will allow me to look at what IE is seeing and I can compare that to what I see and figure out what Norton is changing.
I'm not sure but I know it's a huge pain in the arse. This page (in particular) doesn't pass the standard XHML validator but only for a number of niggly reasons, nothing major. Where is gets hung up in that many links are written like index.php?parameter=value¶meter=value instead of index.php?parameter=value&parameter=value according to the specs. Most if not all of these issues are within the posted messages and signatures and not in the site's framework and this has been that way for years (always). Another problem is that the forums software doesn't do a very good job with BBcode. It allows [ b ][ size = 7 ] some text [ /b ][ /size ] for example which when converted to HTML looks like <span>some text</span> which is illegal and should be <span>some text</span>
People don't know this and I shouldn't expect them to. Where there were other most critical issues I fixed them. If you want to validate this page you can try it here:
* edit * I made a few more changes and this page now passed XHTML validation:
Validate this page
People don't know this and I shouldn't expect them to. Where there were other most critical issues I fixed them. If you want to validate this page you can try it here:
* edit * I made a few more changes and this page now passed XHTML validation:
Validate this page
SOLVED -- The reason Norton Firewall doesn't work is because of a bug in Norton. It is removing from the page only half of the javascript used for google ads and not all of it. This partial removal is causing strange artifacts like this one. To solve this problem disable the Ad Blocker function of Norton Firewall.