S2KI Honda S2000 Forums

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-   -   Eagle One Nanowax vs. Meguires NXT...goodbye Zaino (https://www.s2ki.com/forums/s2000-wash-wax-15/eagle-one-nanowax-vs-meguires-nxt-goodbye-zaino-189732/)

BigMeanBull 03-09-2004 06:38 PM

I never really like Eagle products....I have a friend who works for Meguiars so I get stuff for free :p

DAR 03-09-2004 07:24 PM

The Zaino army takes a hit.

EssTooKayTD 03-10-2004 04:17 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by BigMeanBull
I never really like Eagle products....I have a friend who works for Meguiars

amongmany 03-10-2004 05:03 AM

As a side note, I've been using Eagle One Wax as You Dry over my Zaino instead of Z6. I like it a lot better.

I also use it in between Zaino coats since it's so easy.

SpeedxRacer 03-11-2004 01:23 PM

Alright I am a firm believer in zaino so when Tom posted this I said "hey why not, 10 bux"

Went to 5 different automotive stores, finally found it after driving for about 45 mins lol.

First impression, hmm doesnt smell so great lol

I applied it and the directions said "wait till it haze, then wipe" or somthing so I was looking at it thinking "is this hazed already or what?". Not knowing how long I should leave it on, I wiped it off. It left some residue on the paint sort of like a handprint or somthing. So I applied some more and I left it sitting for a little longer and I still got the same results. I then used my z6 to see if I can wipe it off and it got most of it off.

Overall its not a bad product, gives a nice shine and all but I have no clue how long I am suppose to leave it on. Applying it is easy, but taking it off is quite different. Would I use it over zaino? Maybe if I am lazy but zaino still gives a better shine IMO. If I knew how long to leave this stuff on then I would honestly ditch the zaino since its a pain to put on and take off.



EssTooKayTD 03-11-2004 01:33 PM

wassap Shing?

Yeah, I noticed the only down side so far is the excess wax that needs to be taken off. When you use a microfiber towel (provided) it takes most of it off, but you have to probably follow up with another clean towel and really give it that finish.

After getting to work with it and look at it for a couple days, I think it's great at filling in swirls. I think that perhaps putting zaino on top of it, should make it look incredible.

side note to shing: Man, I friggin forgot to look for those silencers, I am going by the house again tonight, let's hope my retarded ass doesn't forget again!

SpeedxRacer 03-11-2004 02:00 PM

Here ya go.

Haha Tom, just take your time or wait he wants it cuz the droning is killing him lol. Just let me know when you do find it

EssTooKayTD 03-11-2004 02:05 PM

is that with zaino? or is that EO? nice choice of wheels mang, very nice choice, heheeh!

Oh, no rush? cool, but I will definitely try to remember and get them tonight.

SpeedxRacer 03-11-2004 02:42 PM

This is with EO, hehe and those are the VS-SS wheels..3 peice baby! Had to pay a arm and a leg to get em but I got em!

4Motto 03-11-2004 03:13 PM

So what's the consensus... how long did you leave it on for that sweet shine?

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