Who 'wears the pants' in your family...
Originally Posted by dlq04,Jan 5 2005, 07:33 PM
.....I recommend they look at the Vanguard site and consider the various analysis programs they offer.
We own >10 separate Vanguard funds (taxable/tax-sheltered: from aggressive to index to bond to MM) plus a bundle of individual stocks in a Vanguard account; plus 7 other mutual bond funds. We Vanguard and their ever-improving on-line account access (and know Jack and Eve Bogle, too)
OTOH, having a lot of different vehicles does not ensure that you're diversified....since several owned funds may own the same stock, which is also owned individually....
Originally Posted by paS2K,Jan 3 2005, 09:48 PM
*Routine stuff-->paying the bills, balancing the checkbook, budgeting...I pay gas, electric and purely home stuff. I balance the checkbook that pays those bills and credit cards. He pays things that can be tied to work like the Adelphia bill, phone bill, car insurance and his work credit cards.
*Longrange investment planning, including retirement Andy. I sign the papers but don't know much about it.
*Filing the income taxes.... Andy. He makes the $$, not me. I gather.
Originally Posted by paS2K,Jan 6 2005, 01:24 AM
OTOH, having a lot of different vehicles does not ensure that you're diversified....since several owned funds may own the same stock, which is also owned individually....
Friends in high places! The Bogle's! PM me if you get any good tips.
Though I usually pay the monthly bills and things like insurances and taxes, I'm sure Karla would get by just fine with the only change she'd probably get some help with the income taxes, a job I've always done.
Originally Posted by Triple-H,Jan 6 2005, 08:40 AM
Well let's see, there are only two in my "family" and I doubt I can delegate much responsibility to my Maine Coon Cat, so it would be safe to say I do it all...
Behind on that and almost everything else in my life... November, December, January and the 1st 2 weeks of February are my most hectic/crazy times at work. But you are right, I need to take some more pics, and believe me, he is looking beautiful, I gave him a bath on 12/31, and yes, that was an adventure.