For sale v. "for sell"?
I throw some of the blame at automated spell checkers as well.
My typing is awful. I constantly flip the characters from my right and left hand. teh as an example.
I make an effort to proof what I post though but if you didn't have reasonable spelling skills you could easily auto-correct to gibberish.
My typing is awful. I constantly flip the characters from my right and left hand. teh as an example.
I make an effort to proof what I post though but if you didn't have reasonable spelling skills you could easily auto-correct to gibberish.
Deb. Just fine. Still retired (semi) and flying model airplanes a lot. Whether is turning. Winter jest round the corner. Hardtop bout to go on the S. Sno tyres not long now. C U L8R. Some of this spelling goofiness may be part of the texting generation. People have a completely different approach to how they communicate by the written language and with that, forgetting how words are really spelled or what words should be used. Some of it stems from being lazy, some from trying to save time and lines in a message. We can see this when we notice that each year, many, many new words are added to the dictionary. "If you can't lick 'em, join 'em." I have a fear that we may see the day when "sell" will be listed in the dictionary as a noun because some of the "kids" who use the term now may one day edit the official dictionary.
There, they're and their. Then and than. Since and sense. Sale and sell. Would/could/should of and would/could/should have. There's no end to the butchery I've seen online and it makes me ill.
Doesn't bother at all. Sure, I say "Ouch" but then it's mostly when I am re-reading my own posts.