I'm Fat; 2017
Keep it up, er down Dave. My routine is light resistance work in my gym with some bike training intervals starting in January then I go to Naples, Fla mid Feb to mid April. Thats when I get seriious on bike training, diet and weight resistance plus core work. When I get back I start the cycling season in good shape and utilize the training in Fla. to ride in the fast cycling groups. Less weight work, continued core work but ramped up cardio work on the bike. I do this until the weather gets too cold to ride outside, usually around December, then relax, enjoy the holidays, gain some weight and start light training in January. I lose the 10 lbs or so I gain and try to lose about 5 more. That puts me in the lower 170 range and I'm good to go. Very simple plan I have been doing for quite a while.
178.2 this morning. I just ate a small salad for lunch. I need to do something reasonable for dinner tonight. Last night I had pork chops and that was not reasonable. I still lost a bit, but it could have been much better. I'm doing about 30 to 35 minutes on the treadmill. I think I'll keep to that range for the rest of the week and start sit-ups tonight.
That's my favorite part of my plan Bill. Plus i get to do some great fishing with a friend who owns a boat in Punta Gorda. He won last years Master Angler award so we usually catch some nice fish.