Do you think the manual transmission will survive?
Flts comment about the future reminded me - my vision for years has been that someday you will get in your car in your driveway, (or at the corner like a bus if we don't own our own cars anymore) type in your destination and then do nothing. Your car will follow embedded "chips"(?) in the road, or maybe GPS navigation, and take you to your destination. There won't be any stop signs or stop lights as each car will be kept from every other car automatically. You may be on the freeway and have six inches between cars. Every intersection will look like one in China, except no crashes. If any car has mechanical problems, computers will "open a hole" and glide them to the roadside. You get the idea. Probably too expensive to get all the existing cars off the road, and develop the infrastructure, but we certainly have the technology to do it today.
Flts comment about the future reminded me - my vision for years has been that someday you will get in your car in your driveway, (or at the corner like a bus if we don't own our own cars anymore) type in your destination and then do nothing. Your car will follow embedded "chips"(?) in the road, or maybe GPS navigation, and take you to your destination. There won't be any stop signs or stop lights as each car will be kept from every other car automatically. You may be on the freeway and have six inches between cars. Every intersection will look like one in China, except no crashes. If any car has mechanical problems, computers will "open a hole" and glide them to the roadside. You get the idea. Probably too expensive to get all the existing cars off the road, and develop the infrastructure, but we certainly have the technology to do it today.