All Things Automotive
Well my saga continues. Now Hagerty and the body shop are going around and around. The body shop's quote was not enough to total the car but they say they can't fix the car because several of the parts are not available from anyone other than junkyards. Hagerty say they are sure that new parts are available and the shop is not looking in the right places. I have a feeling that the body shop is getting close to telling me to go somewhere else and Hagerty has already suggested that to me. I have tried to tell the adjuster that it doesn't matter where I take the car the needed parts have been discontinued.
even Honda Civics from that era are having parts discontinued, it really sucks when you can't get a part you need. They need to require manufacturers to make parts longer. Some aftermarket suppliers are staring to fill in the gaps but not a big percentage.
It may get to the point where we have to find someone who is able and willing to make parts for us. I have a friend who specializes in higher end vintage sports cars and that is what he has been doing but it ain’t cheap.
$50K sounds good but by Hagerty's standards you will need to (God forbid) destroy the car and I mean destroy it. Maryland uses 75% of the insured value as the threshold. At $50K they would have $38.5K to fix your car. Ohio uses Total Loss Formula to determine if it is s total loss. The formula is if (Repair Cost + Salvage Value > Insured Value) you have s totaled car.
I think the total loss formula used by a lot of states is between 70-80%. In Michigan it's 75%. You can't blame the insurance company for the formula but as you are finding out the adjustor is central to the outcome. It really sucks that you are caught in the middle with Hagerty and the garage/adjustor. I know Kelly Blue Book can play into some of the values and their numbers usually favor companies over individuals.
My youngest grandson has already totaled two cars. Got more than it was worth on the last one.
My youngest grandson has already totaled two cars. Got more than it was worth on the last one.
Last edited by dlq04; 01-25-2024 at 12:22 PM.
I hate to say it, but that day is much closer than you think.
although DaveQ is safe with his MGA
I've preached about it before. There is a day on the horizon when a car will be retired because of electronics. And your buddy won't be able to print on of those on his 3D scanner/printer.
I hate to say it, but that day is much closer than you think.
although DaveQ is safe with his MGA
I hate to say it, but that day is much closer than you think.
although DaveQ is safe with his MGA
I've preached about it before. There is a day on the horizon when a car will be retired because of electronics. And your buddy won't be able to print on of those on his 3D scanner/printer.
I hate to say it, but that day is much closer than you think.
although DaveQ is safe with his MGA
I hate to say it, but that day is much closer than you think.
although DaveQ is safe with his MGA