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XERD turbo update...Again...

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Old 03-06-2003, 03:27 PM
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Did Macgyver call me a sucker? LOL Only kidding. Good reporting guys and well put Macgyver, I'll let my car and transaction be the proof for S2ki, good or bad. but nothing but good so far.
Old 03-06-2003, 03:41 PM
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i started typing a long e-mail with an explanation for everything and the wrong facts that MacGyver has (please read all the posts one more time, because you really do have to facts all mixed up) but it will just start more and more posts and bottom line is, if its true what people are saying or not only time will tell.

If you dont want to deal with XERD then dont, simple as that.

We make a lot of parts and not just for the S2000, this is no our only market. XERD is a real business and no issues like MPH had, true i was a part of MPH but didnt have control on things i wasn't aware of.

The kit will be out, we will provide info on it, the rest is up to you.

I will not post anymore about this topic.

Thank you very much, Eyal
Old 03-06-2003, 04:25 PM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by silverpdxs2k
[B]After all of this "circumstantial" evidence.
Old 03-06-2003, 05:12 PM
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Well just to give Xerd some more backing I figured Id let you all know that one of the main cars in the upcoming Fast and the Furious 2 movie has Xerd Decals on it. It can be seen in the 2003 April issue of Import Tuner. If anyone would lik eme to scan the pictures for proof just say so. Itll take a second anyway. In my opinion I think that if they are capable of having their name on a car which is featured in a movie, they are worth my time and money. Im sticking with Xerd for the turbo. Everyone else can have their own opinion. Dont automatically say no to Xerd because of a problem with MPH. For all you guys know Xerd could turn out to be one of the best turbo producers for our S2k's. And since none of us have dealt with them lets just wait and see if anyone on our forum has a problem with them. So far on S2ki.com no one has had any problems with Xerd. So lets just wait and see .

Old 03-06-2003, 05:33 PM
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Thanks for setting the facts straight 3.0, it was Solar, not Burn that has sued Eyal in the past. It's difficult to keep all of the names straight with so many people putting in their two cents worth. Suffice it to say there has been one major lawsuit (contrary to Eyal's statements, as I mentioned in point 4 above) well on its way in the court system, another one (from Burn) that is sure to be pushed through the system soon, and the possibility for several others from past transactions. I don't have an opportunity to get the facts mixed up on this simple (yet HUGE) point...this does not bode well for any company.

pierceman, for the moment you can consider yourself a lucky man. There's no reason why Eyal cannot continue to give you great service and a great product...but there's no guarantee that he will, either. In no way would I call you a sucker...in fact, I would call you a pioneer and a very brave soul to let anyone use your car as a testbed. Almost every time someone here complains about getting ripped off on eBay, you can search through the seller's feedback ratings...I usually find quite a few of the negative comments interesting. There will always be a long list of happy clients, but it's the upset customers that interest me the most. Accusations of accepting money with no product in return abound, as well as incomplete/incorrect parts, poor quality/workmanship, etc. So far you're one of the lucky customers who would leave a good feedback rating...it seems, however, there are quite a large percentage of negative feedback customers in this case. All one has to do is realize it does NOT have to be this way...simply look at all of the dealers online who have thousands of feedback comments and only a handful of negatives (usually saying something silly like "Wrong color" or "a week late"). I expect an upset customer with every business venture, but when the percentage of them starts to rise, some serious questions about the quality of that business need to be asked.

Eyal, I'll admit I've mixed up a few facts here and there (just too much to digest in one sitting), but it all boils down to one simple fact: There are more than your average number of annoyed customers out there who feel like you have ripped them off, and who also feel you will continue to rip others off if given half a chance. Slightly mixed up facts or not, the meat of the matter still remains...your business prowess is in questions and your problem resolution skills are deeply in need of adjustment.

"We make a lot of parts and not just for the S2000, this is no our only market." I'm all for businesses branching out, but not when it affects customer service. In the cases seen, it appears as though your company has spread itself so thin it cannot accomplish any of its intended goals. Maybe the best decision would be to concentrate on a specific market instead of any car type you're approached with. As it is, claiming to be in multiple markets only makes you look like you're trying to find as many "marks" as possible. If companies would spend more time building up a reputation and a single name, maybe fewer would fold every 3 months only to be reborn under a different moniker. As you've seen, it doesn't matter whether your company is called AAMS, MPH, XERD, what ever...your reputation has always bit you in the rear.

"XERD is a real business and no issues like MPH had." If you believe this statement then you are doomed to fail yet again. The ability to sell a product on the web, having a garage to work out of, designing products for a large variety of markets...none of these make for a "real" business. Making a good reputation for yourself and doing your best to outlive any bad reputation you may have earned in the past is what makes a "real" business. To think XERD has no issues like MPH had shows you haven't really learned from the mistakes made at MPH, regardless of whether those mistakes were made by you or someone else.

You have the potential for a REALLY good product...I've said so myself in previous threads. So I ask that you understand and believe me when I say I'm being completely honest here...I don't care HOW good a product is if I can't trust the company/service behind the product. If it has happened, not once, but several times in the past, who's to say you won't run away with someone else's money when they hand you $5000 cash and the keys to their new car...you've got the money, you've got the keys, they have no real proof they paid you anything, they only have your honesty to bank on. Right now, that honesty and trust is elusive.

It would take both hands to count the number of times you have said "I will not post anymore on this topic" in this and other threads. I understand you can't answer to every critic, but instead of taking this opportunity to answer everyone's questions and alay their fears, you choose to merely say "You don't understand all of the facts" or "You're getting things mixed up". Again, you have the opportunity to help your business, but instead you're running and hiding...none of that makes me want to buy one of your products.

Rick Hesel recently made some pretty wild statements, and while I didn't agree with him on several points, I still trust him as a businessman. As I wrote in that particular thread, I consider him a huge hypocrite for making some of the statements he did, but that did not affect my confidence in him as a businessman. It's because he continues to keep my trust as a BUSINESSMAN that I will continue to give him my patronage, even if he is an old blowhard (just kiddin' Rick ).

Something to think on...
Old 03-06-2003, 05:35 PM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by OneInsaneS2000
[B]XERD has not ripped anyone off. If you read the information the claims were against MPH. If Xerd was such a bad dealer then why in the world is he still selling parts and licensed with a business number? If Eyals so bad then why is he doing the turbo on Piercemans car and bothering to produce a kit for us? By the way. You dont own a s2k yet you come in here and put negative feedback on someones business. What have you purchased from Xerd? None of you 3g people or anyone else who is putting negative feedback have done any business with "XERD" only with MPH. As stated on the 3g forum, "you can sue anyone for anything". This country is so stupid that a law suit can become reality simply by a claim. If you have done any real business with Xerd then post it. But dont go saying they are a bad company if you dont know for real. As for their stupid claims on 3g club I dont see any real proof that they sued him in anyway. Tell them to
Old 03-06-2003, 07:14 PM
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Again thanks for the heads up, we will see when my car is finished if he is a man of his word. I honestly appreciate all the posts. All I can do is wait and let you know the results.
Old 03-06-2003, 07:54 PM
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Look, even in baseball you get 3 strikes. So far Eyal is 0 for 2. If eyal gets his shit together and proves me and lots of other people wrong, than great. I would rather have that than to say "I told you so". I'm just saying proceed w/ caution.

And Pierceman, my advise is to keep close track of the progress. Burn handed over his money and car and never saw a thing. Eyal claimed the kit was built and the car set back to stock before Burn could see it, yet he never produced pics, numbers, or any sort of proof that the project had even been done, or started for that matter, other than what he said on phone. I suggest you ask for constant updates and proof of that progress. Stopping by the shop even if you can. #1 rule of business: Protect your investment. A Venge is one thing, but an S2K, oh damn.
Old 03-06-2003, 09:33 PM
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I don't want to start a war here...exspecially since this would be my first post, but BEWARE

And believe i have all the paperwork to prove it...everything from SSN, to multiple Servings from his local Sheriff, to Judgements not in XERD's favor.

He had my car for 8 months and i never got any pics of proof that my car was even being worked on. My car was moved from the "front" that i dropped my car off too... when i finally found out that my car was in another city @ a place that Eyal did not know the address, phone number or name of I asked for the car back. It took about 3 weeks to get my car back..because he would put me off... I had to threaten to report it stolen before getting it back.

He uses Auto-toys-store's address for his own and actually doesn't own a business at all.

And Eyal, stop saying the turbo kit for my car is/was Done. It ain't even close according to your "partner"(or actual owner of a legitimate business. He told me that you have been telling people that it would not be ready for another 3 months.

So what did you spend my 5k+ on....??

I talked to eyal on tues and he was gonna call me back that night at 6 but never called... i have called him everyday since with no return. Kind of scary when you call a business and their mailbox is full.

Not to mention when i did get my car back....it was the dirtiest, fillthiest i have ever seen my car.
Pretty sad that you give some no-name guy your car and 5k and he can't even give your car the respect it should.

But it looks like Court it next because he is just putting my off...
Old 03-07-2003, 06:42 AM
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MacGyver I thank you for posting exactly what should have been posted about XERD. There are too many good companys/shops out there on S2KI to even risk losing money and time on XERD. I suggest all S2KI members look at many of the good shops listing on the sponser list. I had a dealing with Bulletproof on buying a cusco brace from them and when I had to cancel the order he not only refunded my money but also did not even charge me for the credit card transaction! Now that is a example of excellent business practice!! For that very reason I will always look at what that shop has to offer above the rest! I suggest other members do the same...


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