Silver Clearly Best Color!
Having also seen the blue while in Australia, I must admit that SECOND to the Silver, the blue is definately a head turning piece of art, showing the body lines well and its rarity helps too! Honda picked Silver b/c it was the best color...not to mention the Silver anniversary edition?
you red owners can't deny that silver shows the lines the best of any of the colors. it shows the design the way it was meant to be seen.. why do you think thats the color honda uses for all its ads. red does look more miata like.. but its a great color.. for me to poop on! j/k (see Jay leno rotweiler puppet if you didn't get that)
the yellow i must admit is the only yellow i've ever liked on a car.. it still gives off that M&M vibe though.. and its too flashy for me. blue - awesome.. just doesn't show the lines as well.. and its not at all smurf like. black- looks mean but hides the lines to were you could mistake it for a miata at night or from a far.. i think the red seats fix that though.. it still would be too much of a pain to keep clean. white- sweet.. but probably hard to maintain.
the yellow i must admit is the only yellow i've ever liked on a car.. it still gives off that M&M vibe though.. and its too flashy for me. blue - awesome.. just doesn't show the lines as well.. and its not at all smurf like. black- looks mean but hides the lines to were you could mistake it for a miata at night or from a far.. i think the red seats fix that though.. it still would be too much of a pain to keep clean. white- sweet.. but probably hard to maintain.
In the heated battle to be the "Best", no one has asked the most important question of all. The best color for what?
So, I humbly submit my list for the colors and what they are best for.
Red - getting a ticket.
Silver - keeping it "looking" clean
Yellow - Second best for getting a ticket.
Black - sinister bad mutha, sucking up light, appearing like a mirror.
White - Happy, happy!
Blue - smooth carefree feeling, very tropical.
So, in essence you are all right for various reasons. So what's all this fuss?
So, I humbly submit my list for the colors and what they are best for.
Red - getting a ticket.
Silver - keeping it "looking" clean
Yellow - Second best for getting a ticket.
Black - sinister bad mutha, sucking up light, appearing like a mirror.
White - Happy, happy!
Blue - smooth carefree feeling, very tropical.
So, in essence you are all right for various reasons. So what's all this fuss?
After seeing the RM Racing silver with the Work Meister wheels (belongs to a board member here) I decided NOT to trade my silver in on yellow but to just buy the wheels... They Rock! (so does silver with those wheels