Rear window problems
Rear window problems
My stook rear window sucks. I'm on my 4th rear window. 3 were replaced under warranty. The whole top has to come off and it takes all day. Each window had a different set of scratch, wrinkle, crease patterns. One was completely fogged over because air got between the two laminated plastic layers. I have the service advisory. I use the tube: 2nd tube -- a bus ran over the 1st one ("What kind of a Miata do you have sir?" they ask when you order one over the phone -- how demeaning!) and all the cleaners, polishes, cloths. I put a felt lining in the top well. I look at my rear mirror and see what appear to be digitally altered images. Help!
Shingles, it's not just a case of clarity. My window is perfectly (well almost) clear but it still distorts the image I see in the mirror. I have a crease that doesn't look to bad but it really messes with my view out the rear. I creased it BEFORE the service bulletin came out, have been really good since but it won't heal.
My window is also really clear, but it is still distorted in the rear view mirror. It's probably because the wind pulls the window outward when driving. I think no matter what you do to it and how good you take care of it, you'll always have some distortion. Unless of course you haven't ever put the top down, but even then after many cleaning cycles, it's got to wear a little.
Mine has a good crease too...and probably some scratches. My favorite fix is to never drive with the top up. Out of 8600 miles on the car, I bet 45 have been with the top up. I knew what a plastic window would be like, and quite far it really hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.
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I think you're just going to have to live with the distortion. I keep my window clean with Meguiars and Plexus, but it still distorts the view since it has creases in it. I don;t think the creases will ever come out, but I hardly drive the car with the top up anyway.
I clicked on the rear window service bulletin in the library, but for some reason I couldn't call it up. Give me your FAX number and I'll FAX you a copy. Also, click on "go to the faqs." There's lots of good poop in the convertible top section.
The Raptor
I clicked on the rear window service bulletin in the library, but for some reason I couldn't call it up. Give me your FAX number and I'll FAX you a copy. Also, click on "go to the faqs." There's lots of good poop in the convertible top section.
The Raptor
Yeah, I agree that the distortion is unavoidable, thanks to the horizontal creases near the top and bottom of the window. The lines on the road will always look a little jaded when view thru the plastic window. Just something we have to tolerate with the S. Plexus helps but it can only do so much.