LADIES & GENTLEMEN - if you have a signature...
LADIES & GENTLEMEN - if you have a signature...
For the most part, signature sizes have not been a publicly addressed issue. If someone were to ask me where to look to see what the required signature size is, I wouldn't know what to tell that person. As moderators, we are told to privately ask individuals to down-size their signatures if the entire signature takes up more space than 600 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall - not including assigned badges, but including any text or URL's you have in it. An example of this size is my main signature graphic:
Normally, I would continue to ask individuals privately, but there has been a rash of gigantic signatures lately. One was so large I had to scroll through it with my 22" monitor at 1680 x 1050 resolution. When your signature gets too large, it makes it difficult to scroll through a thread. If everybody had a large signature, any thread would be mostly signature with what would seem like very little thread content.
This hasn't just been new members or guests, I've seen 6 year+ members and Platinum members doing this as well.
Also keep in mind that what you think is cool, might not be to someone else. Some of these animated gifs are borderline ridiculous, and a blurry photo of your S2000 at 800 x 600 pixels (in your signature) only looks good to you - it ticks everyone else off.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here
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EDIT: Maybe I haven't been clear enough.
Maximum signature height is 90 pixels tall, and the maximum signature width is 600 pixels wide. This includes absolutely everything in your signature except the assigned community badges.
Example (I apologize to the two individuals being used in this example, but they posted right next to each other):
Shoof's signature is too tall by 180 pixels, and Sabre's signature is too wide by 323 pixels. Sabre's signature is also a tad too tall because of the text over his S2000 picture.
You can also see how much real estate large signatures take up. I'm using a 22" widescreen monitor at 1650 x 1050 resolution and those two signatures take up over half of what I see. Imagine someone using a smaller resolution
Normally, I would continue to ask individuals privately, but there has been a rash of gigantic signatures lately. One was so large I had to scroll through it with my 22" monitor at 1680 x 1050 resolution. When your signature gets too large, it makes it difficult to scroll through a thread. If everybody had a large signature, any thread would be mostly signature with what would seem like very little thread content.
This hasn't just been new members or guests, I've seen 6 year+ members and Platinum members doing this as well.
Also keep in mind that what you think is cool, might not be to someone else. Some of these animated gifs are borderline ridiculous, and a blurry photo of your S2000 at 800 x 600 pixels (in your signature) only looks good to you - it ticks everyone else off.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here
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EDIT: Maybe I haven't been clear enough.
Maximum signature height is 90 pixels tall, and the maximum signature width is 600 pixels wide. This includes absolutely everything in your signature except the assigned community badges.
Example (I apologize to the two individuals being used in this example, but they posted right next to each other):
Shoof's signature is too tall by 180 pixels, and Sabre's signature is too wide by 323 pixels. Sabre's signature is also a tad too tall because of the text over his S2000 picture.
You can also see how much real estate large signatures take up. I'm using a 22" widescreen monitor at 1650 x 1050 resolution and those two signatures take up over half of what I see. Imagine someone using a smaller resolution
Originally Posted by Poindexter,May 16 2007, 04:49 AM
If someone were to ask me where to look to see what the required signature size is, I wouldn't know what to tell that person.
Second post, 7th question.
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Originally Posted by plokivos,May 16 2007, 07:55 AM
i just wanted to post so I could compare sig.
edit: but I like my sig.
edit: but I like my sig.