Honda S2000 Dealership Book- Thought I'd Share!
Honda S2000 Dealership Book- Thought I'd Share!
Some time ago I was able to get my hands on quite a rare copy of a Honda dealership book showcasing the S2000 upon its release back in 1999. Only 2800 copies of these book exist and most went to dealerships in North America. How I got it is a story in itself. The woman who sold it to me said her son is a test driver for Honda (still is) and had a part in the development of the S2000. At the end he was given a few of these books among other things for his participation after which they forgot about them for almost 15 years until rediscovering them at which point I was able to buy 2 copies; one for myself and my older brother. However I didn't want to keep this great find all to myself and wanted to share it with the community so everyone could enjoy it. I was unable to scan the pages so I used a HD camera instead so bear with me if the quality isn't stellar. Enjoy!
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