Wrapping my Header
Wrapping my Header
So my wrap just got here and i realized i purchased (2) 50' rolls of 1" wide. I am assuming i could still use it its just going to take me twice as long? lol
Your thoughts?
Your thoughts?
You may be right but i just cant get the thinner wrap to stay put in this area its frustrating. The wrap just wants to fall down to the smaller portion... What am i doing wrong? This is where i figured i needed 2" wide...
Originally Posted by ack5252' timestamp='1331767386' post='21509463
Not to worry dude, I actually liked the 1" wide wrap for mine because it was easier to get into the tight spaces and also makes for a thorough covering!
here is my OEM with 1" wrap and some BBQ flat black 1200 paint lol
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Also it looks like you've cut the wrap should have kept it continuous.
I always start from the collector and work my way up. It's a bit counter intuitive but it comes out cleaner and as air passes over it when driving it isn't forcing into the fold it's going over it. Nothing wrong with the way you did it just personal preference.
You should wrap one primary to the bottom, then the next one all the way down and just keep going over the secondary as well.
I always start from the collector and work my way up. It's a bit counter intuitive but it comes out cleaner and as air passes over it when driving it isn't forcing into the fold it's going over it. Nothing wrong with the way you did it just personal preference.
You should wrap one primary to the bottom, then the next one all the way down and just keep going over the secondary as well.