new driving age?
new driving age?
i don't have to worry about the age for driving cuz i got my license but i was wonder cuz my lil brother wanted to know it true that they passed a law where if your born 1990 and up you get your license at 18? PLEASE LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I BEEN HEARING THIS SO I WAS WONDERING IF THIS IS TRUE!
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Originally Posted by Saki GT,Mar 15 2005, 04:48 PM
It doesn't really matter what age you can start legally driving, if you don't get good instruction, you'll drive like a noob no matter what age you are.
And no, there is no such law raising the age to 18. It's been discussed for a long time but hasn't actually happened. I'm 26 and remember this being talked about when I was getting my license.
Live and let die. People are too up tight now. If they raise it to 18 it will still take those people time to learn. I'm sick of the government telling us what to ing do. this shit. j/k except for the first three sentences.