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MG On Track! BlueOsprey, Season 2

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Old 06-01-2011, 01:26 PM

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Originally Posted by aashish2
Curious as to how the headrest is working out. Is it cushioned? If yes, is it making you re-consider the aluminum racing seat you have
Have to come in to change the oil and get the car ready for this weekend's racing, so I'll try to take a picture of the headrest tonight. I would like to create a fairing like the one in this photo to install behind the headrest.

Got the group assignments for the weekend. They have me back in Group 1 which looks like the Jaguar school. AARGH! That means no passing in the corners - just when I was perfecting the Bonzai Corner Pass! The slowest VSCCA group has 28 cars, so it is crowded enough for me not to complain - at least not yet! If that group thins out a bit, I plan to revolt and jump into Group 4.
Old 06-01-2011, 01:41 PM
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I think that would look awesome Jeff

Something about British Racing Green that really lends to the beauty in a car.
Old 06-03-2011, 07:51 PM

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I went to Lime Rock understanding that I had been assigned to Group 1 in the Jaguar Club. Not expecting heavy combat, I planned my polite point-bys for the main straight, and to spend the day working on my technique and line, with periodic glances to the cloudless sky and the surrounding mountains.

So much for prior planning!

So I step up to register, and "oh and be sure to take your copy of the schedule" the lady says. So I scan the paper and see that there are 12 cars in Group 1. "Light traffic", I think. Then I look at the name column to see if Roger is still there (as I was sure he would complain) and his name is gone -- but so is Mine! So I think I'm bumped to the Jaguar Club Group 2. But not so. I find my name in Group 4, a VSCCA group where I really should belong.

There are only two problems! There are 30 cars in Group 4; and 29 of those cars are listed with faster times than me! This grouping will require an entirely different mindset on my part. I'll have to be defensive and aggressive all at the same time!

I steady my nerves as best I can as I await the first Practice Session. When the time comes, I make my way to the false grid. A number of cars are holding back so they can start at the end of the grid. Not wanting to display a similar je ne sais quoi, i.e., "cowardliness", I work my way to a spot about mid pack -- meaning that I'm going to get my ears laid back when all the cars start blowing past me.

The time comes and we are sent out on track. My tires aren't even warm and my mirror is full of the first wave of cars ready to pass. And no polite point-bys either. They're lining up to pass three and four cars wide through the esses leading to the No-Name Straight! And I'm going as fast as I dare!

The scrum seems to go on forever. All technique is out the window (well, I actually don't have a window, so consider that a figure of speech). I'm getting passed by two cars on the entry to Big Bend, but my brakes are locked up and I can't release and turn for fear of turning into them. So I hope for the escape road, but miss that. Then it's back on track, and eventually, the practice session is over. But my nerves are shot and I didn't really get any practice - unless you consider avoiding death and destruction as some sort of "practice".

In all honesty, I can't really recount the ride since so very much was happening so very fast. But "management" does post our "best" times. I come in at 1:22.431, which is an average lap speed of 66.820 mph. I am 11 seconds slower than the fastest lap. I'm about 6 seconds slower than Andrew H, with another MGA roadster, but only 0.14 seconds slower than James J, with an MGA coupe. Overall, I have the 22nd fastest time out of 28.

I test my tire pressure when the session ends and it is up to 38, so I lower to 35 for the next session.

The second practice is very much the same. I start mid pack and spend most of my time fending off cars that want to pass me. Again it is almost impossible to work on technique as the line in the corners is constantly being cut off by passing cars, many of whom do not even hold their own line while making the pass. I think I'm a little faster, but no times are posted.

The third practice session is a little better. A few cars have dropped out The first lap is my best lap at 1:22.622 with an average speed of 66.665. I'm 10 seconds slower than the fastest lap and overall I'm 18th fastest out of 24 cars. I'm still about 6 seconds slower than Andrew H, and now about 2 seconds slower than James J. My friend Glenn is about 5 seconds faster than me, turning in a time of 1:17.734.

The car is running well. I'm still alive. Brakes seem much better, although I still wish they engaged higher. Not spongy that I can notice even though I have not replaced the line from the master cylinder to the 4 way. I am having trouble with Turn 1 (Big Bend).

When I come in after the third session, I accidentally notice that the ignition coil bracket has snapped in two and that the ignition coil is hanging loose, held in place by a few ignition wires. I didn't have anything with which to make another bracket, and was thinking maybe we could fashion something with a big hose clamp (the client who made my hear rest happened to show up).
It occurred to me that I had a spare coil and I thought it might come with a bracket. I found the spare, opened the box and indeed it did have a bracket. Didn't fit the old coil, however, so we installed the new. Crisis averted.

So now comes the qualifier. Based on my best time in practice 3, my grid position is 18. So we leave the false grid and line up on the track. I don't know who was sleeping up front, but once we got moving I could see that I was going to lose 2 or 3 positions right at the start, because there were fewer cars ahead of the guy next to me than there were ahead of me. So the guy next to me, and the car behind him, and the the car behind him all filled those empty places once we got around the track and the pace car pulled off. But besides for that, it was a pretty clean start. And since we had been gridded by time, the cars in my part of the pack were of comparable speed.

So off we went. I picked off those cars that had passed me at the start and eventually caught up with James J, driving that MGA Coupe. For a long time we were in a 6 to 8 car pack, but eventually it was just James J and myself. I was a little faster than he was in the corners and could pull up to him. But I could not pass him in the straight. He had just a little more speed. So after a few laps of trying to pass, I gave up trying. I figured that since we were in a qualifier, I should get in his draft and we would both get better times. So round and round we went until the penultimate lap when a Bug Eye Sprite got past me. He immediately lost control of his car (but a great recovery however! Would have made the day's highlight film if only I had a Go-Pro camera!)) and I had to lift expecting him to spin. So James J. was able to pull away and beat me by 1.3 seconds. We actualy had four other cars besides me finish within 2 seconds of James J, so it was a tight pack right to the end.

In the qualifier, I finished 13 out of 20 cars, just a hair more than one lap behind the leader. My best time was 1.19.735. My lap time was now about 8 seconds slower than the leader. I got faster; he didn't get slower.

Did about 60 miles today.

Four more runs tomorrow.
Old 06-03-2011, 08:07 PM
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That made for engrossing reading Jeff. I'm glad that you had quite a harrowing experience because I enjoyed reading every word of it. Glad to see that GlenN is still participating. Has he put his plans for retirement on hold?

I have the day planned for activities with JJ. Im going to try and see if I can sneak out though. If I do, I will bring the GoPro
Old 06-04-2011, 02:49 AM

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Aashish, not four. Three at 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. All comers race (scary) at 4:40, but not sure I will do that. May be to dangerous with theos fast open wheel cars and those 4 liter engines.

I thought you were going on the Mohawk Trail with the S.
Old 06-04-2011, 08:06 PM

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Oh My Lord, Part II

I need to get into a different line of work!

My first run today was a practice session for the races, since my qualifying session was yesterday afternoon. So I go out without a care in the world, and the first thing I notice is that most of the cones marking turn in, apex and turn out have been lifted. So am I expected to figure this out for myself? The nerve of the race organizers!

Well I do the best I can with a few slow laps, but then I start to push the car to see how well I do at speed. A scuff mark on the curb here, a piece of debris there and I'm flying. The West Bend corner and the Downhill corner onto the Main Straight are the hardest to pin down and I feel, in general, that I'm apexing early. No real duels in practice that I can remember, but I did get stuck behind a slow (actually very slow) Jaguar and consequently passed by a wave of cars. I did try some passing lines in anticipation of the races to come. My qualifying time from yesterday was 1:19.864. I knocked a few hundreds of a second off and had a best practice lap of 1:19.400. The car is running well.

Unfortunately, "running well" is a relative term!

We grid up for Race 1 at noon. I'm starting in position 13, in a pack of about 6 cars that have been turning 1:18 to 1:20 laps. The first 11 cars have much faster times -- in the 1:12 to 1:15 range. So at the start, they are not an issue since they quickly pull away. I dispatch the number 12 car, who eventually seems to disappear with mechanical trouble, and I begin my "chase" of the faster cars with a clear track ahead of me. But soon there is this issue with a MG TD in my rear view mirror. He was right on my rear bumper in the esses, but since I don't have a rear bumper, I thought I better start concentrating.

So as we come out of the esses and onto the No Name Straight, I put my foot to the floor, and although I can accelerate, I notice that I have a high speed misfire. I'm not sure it is affecting my speed significantly, but I can't lose this guy. Well eventually I make a mistake on Big Bend (bad footwork, as usual!) and he passes me.

Well, that was just the first salvo in a wild passing battle in the corners - Big Bend, the left hander and the turn onto No Name Straight. And I think I passed him a few times on the Main Straight only to lose the lead in Big Bend, only to take the lead in the left hander, only to lose the lead in the turn into the No Name Straight. It was white knuckle racing all the way. Our maneuvers are death defying because we are mostly in each other's blind spots. In my case, I'm cornering way too tightly -- or way too wide-- with a fish tailing rear end, screaming tires, using every inch of available rumble strip and concrete - and using every little bit of speed I can find with a misfiring motor. The crowd on the hill could see it all and must have had a very exciting show.

I'm thinking this is way too intense and this guy's going to punch me out when we get back to the paddock for not giving him a point by, but he gets ahead of me again - and I'm not going to take it. We get over the Uphill. I'm at full throttle through West Bend. I hit the concrete before the apex and it throws the car, but I'm back on the throttle hurtling towards track out. I get the car pointed in the general direction to the Down Hill corner, the steering wheel is shaking violently in my hands at the apex and I have the foot to the floor hoping I can hold the car on track. But I have momentum and I know that if I don't drive off the track and crash, I can make the pass on the straight. Then I see the checkered flag come out and I drive to the finish line beating him by 0.166 seconds - or, in other terms, by a fender.

We get to the pits, and the MG TD guy immediately gets out of his car and heads directly towards me. (I keep my helmet on as a safety precaution!) But he puts out his hand to shake my hand and says "that was one exciting race!" - at which point I felt that taking off my helmet was warranted and I shook his hand. His name was Mike Oday. His wife said she had some pictures of our duel and will e-mail them to me if they are in focus.

We had not been lapped by the leaders, so we finished on the lead lap. My best time was 1:19.274, his was 1:19.344. Our average lap time was 1:21.66. I finished 12 out of 22 cars.

I needed a restorative, but since they don't allow hard liquor at the track, my nerves are still jangled!

So after catching my breath, I try to contend with the high speed misfire. Prior to Race 1, I had bought some fuel from the pumps at the track. So my immediate "diagnosis" was that I had gotten some bad fuel. But there wasn't much I could do about that. So I checked and readjusted the valve lash, checked the spark plugs and hoped for the best. In hind sight, I had an extra fuel filter that I probably should have installed.

So the time for Race 2 arrives. Same basic grid arrangement, except I'm in grid position 12, Mark Oday is in grid position 13. He's next to me on the outside. He beats me at the start, but not to worry since he's only a car length ahead. Unfortunately, when we get through the first 4 corners and start up the No Name Straight I notice that I still have the high speed misfire. It seems to kick in at 4500 rpm. So I'm chasing Mark Oday in his MG TD, but he picks up about 20 or 30 feet each time around. I'm thinking I can catch him, but he keeps inching away. So this is how we run the race until the very last lap, when someone comes out of nowhere and passes me. So Mark Oday finishes 9 out of 20, I finish 11 out of 20. My average time is 1:20.61, with a best lap time of 1:19.02. All thinks considered, my fastest lap of the weekend, very good average time and all with a misfiring engine. But I'm crestfallen after having had such an exciting prior race.

However, as I came into the paddock, I see Aashish and JJ. They had arrived just in time to see me run Race 2, althought they did miss the excitement of Race 1.

So since Aashish had brought his Go Pro camera and since I had an idea that my car was maybe just starved for fuel at the higher revs, we decided that I would adjust the carburetors to run a little richer and maybe get a good video run in the All Comer's Race. So after much decision making, Aashish mounted the camera, I adjusted the carbs and went out for the race. Only three cars showed up, so the race got cut to 5 laps. Still our times were comparable and I thought I might get a fun video.

So while I'm sitting on the grid, I hear the camera go "beep, beep, beep" just as another car revs his engine very loudly. I thought the noise shut off the camera. But since I didn't know how to check it, I left it alone.

So we go out - the three cars for the All Comer's Race. I think I can take them, but that would make a boring video, so I planned for a little give and take. So we come around on the pace lap and the race starts. I'm not sure I even get in one lap before the car starts to die. It's running very roughly and I assume that I've run out of gas. I almost pull over onto the grass, but I decide to try to make it to the top of the hill, after which I can probably coast into the pits. Well I make it a little beyond the top of the hill, the car dies and I coast about 1/3 mile into the pits. All things considered, I think it was the best "coast into the pits" of the weekend at Lime Rock.

Well, we did a little diagnosis and I had fuel at the carbs, so it wasn't that I had run out of gas. Has to be something with my ignition system -- maybe that coil I put on yesterday was defective. In any event, with Glenn, Aashish, Eric, Eric's friend with the Red S 2000 (whose name I can't remember - how embarassing since I asked him 3 times and kept forgetting) and with JJ supervising, we pushed the car onto the trailer, tied it down and said good-bye to Lime Rock.

Thank you JJ and Aashish for coming. Moral support is always appreciated.

I'm not sure I will find pictures of me (the only important one) at this event, but if I do I will post.
Old 06-05-2011, 05:02 PM

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I thought about my dead engine over night and decided it might be the coil or the condensor.

I tested today and had power to the coil. So I attempted to start the car and one plug fired. Then nothing. I put an ohm meter on the coil and had no reading. So I hooked up the old coil and the car started pretty easily. So I took the new coil off the car and re-tested. This time the new coil read 3.2. So I again hooked up that coil and cranked the car. Nothing. I put the meter on the coil. Nothing. So I took it off again. Re-tested and it read 3.2. So I wacked the side of the coil a few times in the palm of my hand, retested and got no reading. Did this a few times with various results, so I concluded the coil had failed internally. The failure started at about 16 miles and was complete at about 31 miles.

I'll have to see what Moss' return policy is for a coil with an inspection date of March 2010.
Old 06-05-2011, 10:38 PM
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Old 06-06-2011, 03:27 AM

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Thanks Aashish. That was some creative editing you did! I sent the link to my 87 year old father-in-law and brother (and a few others). My father-in-law will appreciate if he can figure out how to blow up the screen. Telephones were just invented when he was born!

I appreciate your support.

There is another S at 0.35 in the film. Second car on the right after the stop sign. Was there all weekend and apparently owned by the fellow doing the timing.

(Did you notice my pick up line for the girls in the golf cart? )
Old 06-06-2011, 03:42 AM

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Wow, great writeup, and I really like the video to go with it as well.

I tried to catch your pickup line, but I can't quite make it out.

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