View Poll Results: Which would you prefer?
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GMT2005 Poll #2
GMT2005 Poll #2
Just trying to gauge the best route and events for this year's drive. Last year we had a pretty long drive with just a few stops, not sure if people would prefer more stops or things to do and a shorter drive?
There're more options than just those two choices. What about a balanced approach, or something biased just a bit toward driving? I'm ok with finding a nice 50/50 split between the two if the events are entertaining enough. I'd also be perfectly happy with 70/30.
Either way there is plenty of driving. Last year I was in the drivers seat for 14hours from leaving my house to driving the event then heading home that night to auto-x the next day.
This was very well executed last year and I had a great time .Everything was timed perfectly .
This was very well executed last year and I had a great time .Everything was timed perfectly .
Drive, drive, drive, drive...
We should do a drive through restaurant, a drive in theater, go to a drive through pharmacy. Of course we should all go through a car wash...
Please feel free to add any other 'drive through' events you can think of...
(I don't think Vermont has drive through package stores or funerals)
Just have to find a way to do a drive through 'comfort stop'
Anyway you get my point. If I want to do the tourist thingie I would take the bus with the rest of the d*mn tourists.
We should do a drive through restaurant, a drive in theater, go to a drive through pharmacy. Of course we should all go through a car wash...
Please feel free to add any other 'drive through' events you can think of...
(I don't think Vermont has drive through package stores or funerals)
Just have to find a way to do a drive through 'comfort stop'
Anyway you get my point. If I want to do the tourist thingie I would take the bus with the rest of the d*mn tourists.
I thought last year was awesome. Only thing was on the next day where we didn't get off to an early enough start and we didn't eat til pretty late. Maybe find another eating place closer to noon. My .02 cents.