Stuff you can't do in an S2000
Originally posted by xviper
...We had our winter "snow drag race" and "donut making" meet one fine morning in a snow and ice covered parking lot.
...We had our winter "snow drag race" and "donut making" meet one fine morning in a snow and ice covered parking lot.
Hell, I just raise my garage door and let The Bruised Banana take a peek outside, and it starts sliding on the concrete garage floor!!! Gotta shut the door down quick enough to keep the lil sh!t from sliding into the wall. Okay, okay, exaggeration there, but seriously, I have 3 solid inches of sleet/ice on my [uphill for 50 yards with a turn] driveway. My car can't go anywhere.
I give up!
Originally posted by moonpie
w1ngman: sorry to hear about your troubles...summer is just around the corner, so take your wife's monster truck out for a spin
w1ngman: sorry to hear about your troubles...summer is just around the corner, so take your wife's monster truck out for a spin
Just don't tell Taska, or its my asssssssssssssss!
Originally posted by koala
WRX? pftt... I do that in the S2000
WRX? pftt... I do that in the S2000
- Dave