%*!#&%!385st Official Hard At Work Thread!%&#!*%
Man the crab really kicked it up a notch by 18. It went super slow after that. I decided that I got more done just throwing riflemen at it & clearing out small chunks at a time. The tanks took too long and would usually get beat up by the time they made a mark.
It got crazy hard for me after 20. I limped through 21 and was going round after round after round on 22 when it ended. I am sure I was wasting gold by that point. I did get big upgrades on a machine gun and on my vault, though. Not to mention all the crystals and prototype parts, too...
That's actually a pretty good idea.
My workplace has a "clean desk" policy so I put everything away each night. I have a folder in my file drawer where that all the "hot" stuff I am working on goes. But, to be honest... 99.9% of the stuff I work on day-to-day is in an email.
My workplace has a "clean desk" policy so I put everything away each night. I have a folder in my file drawer where that all the "hot" stuff I am working on goes. But, to be honest... 99.9% of the stuff I work on day-to-day is in an email.