Invasion of privacy?
Invasion of privacy?
Type in any address and it will give you a 360 degree street view to most private residences.
Type in the address and click search maps.
It's cool yet it is also scary to think about.
Type in any address and it will give you a 360 degree street view to most private residences.
Type in the address and click search maps.
It's cool yet it is also scary to think about.
I typed in my parents house and you can zoom in and see in the windows of the house a bit, see what cars are in the driveway ect and it has to be very recent. I bet navigation in cars will be like this "real world view" soon.
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Originally Posted by kalibo,Sep 19 2008, 10:03 AM
I live in a gated community and thy got me. We only have gates. No guards.
Of course, all you'd see is the beater outside the house anyways, the S is in the garage