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Some misunderstandings with the RoadsterChat Folks

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Old 02-12-2002, 02:07 PM
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I've read the posts here and on Roadster Chat...

I am REALLY sorry about all this! I'm sincere in my stating this...It was definitely not my intent to stir up any trouble..As is often the case with forums, mailing lists, chat rooms, et al, on the Internet, things got blown waay out of proportion and I feel very badly that a post of mine was obviously the catalyst...

I want to try to explain myself here..so please bear with me..

I saw one of Airgate's posts about another topic and noted the Dragonball's dates, saw it overlapped with Roadster Chat's Gap event and checked things out because I was curious about what your plans were. I wasn't looking to stir up any trouble..on my honor!

Then I saw the post that expressed concern about the RC crowd being there. I posted what I hoped was a reassuring post that expressed friendship and pleasure at the idea of sharing the road with the S2000 group. In that thread it looked like people were expressing concern about any problems that may come up with two groups sharing the road but everyone seemed fine with it. There were some concerns about marque rivalries, crowded conditions and unsafe driving...all legitimate concerns.

In the rather long post that I made in that thread I made a real effort to reassure everyone here that we Miata/RC folks have a tradition of sharing the road in a friendly and safe manner and that reckless driving was frowned upon among our group and wouldn't be tolerated. I noted that at our July Miata event it seemed to be traditional that when a faster car overtakes a slower one it is customary for the slower car to pull over and wave the other car on. Basically in describing all this I was looking to reassure you folks that we in fact share the same concerns as you all do and things would undoubtedly work out just fine between us...In other words, there is no cause for concern.

I really wanted to put forth the idea that we were looking forward to meeting you and having a good and safe time. I really meant to do well by you all and I'm sorry that thread is now deleted (obviously things went downhill after I posted ) because what I said was meant to express friendship, not adversity. I was looking to smooth things out and be reassuring..not stir things up.

I honestly do think that we, who call ourselves an "All Roadster" group and are billing this event as an "All Roadster" event have a great opportunity to see and enjoy the company of some great looking, wonderful running S2Ks and meet some interesting new people. I thought this could be a good thing and I hoped that my words expressed that.

I posted to RC saying that we're "gonna have some company" just to let everyone know that you'd be there..Not as a call to arms or to incite people. Unfortunately it seems that is exactly what happened. Had I known that this would be the result of that post I never would have called your event to their attention in such a manner.

...Unfortunately my mistake was in reading the post that dealt with the vote to limit your event to only S2000s. I'm not stupid..I figured that in reality you were most likely discussing your event among yourselves and in retrospect posting a reply, even one that was meant to be tongue in cheek and lighthearted, was in fact stupid. But I have to admit..Some of the comments were really funny..So I guess I was looking to add my .02 cents. I shouldn't have. I don't know you guys, I'm not a regular member here, it's not my event..I had no right to even comment. But I certainly wasn't looking to start any trouble or insult anyone. Airgate went on to explain that the poll and the subject matter pertained to your gathering only..Basically he confirmed what I'd pretty much assumed.

But I will say that Airgate's reply could've been said without being insulting or disparaging....which it was. Whether it was his intent or not, his reply to my post came off as very deragatory.

I saw a flame war coming and decided to delete my original post with regards to the poll. I figured that would remove the offensive post and therefore would end things. I replied "Understood. No Harm intended..I'm outta here"..and also commented that it wasn't necessary to be disparaging. I also wished him luck and a successful event. There were nicer ways to be told to bug off...But I decided that bugging off and out was the way to handle things. I certainly didn't want to generate any flame wars and wasn't looking to cause trouble...quite the opposite, as was evident in my most recent post in the "Is anyone aware of this?" thread...and I really do wish you folks a successful and happy event.

Seems my fellow RCers saw Airgate's rather disparaging remarks to me and took umbrage at his tone. Those remarks, in combination with the other remarks in the thread obviously didn't sit well with them. Someone at RC questioned why my original thread was deleted and assumed that it was done by someone on this board..I told them that I deleted the post and tried to make light of the situation by shifting the blame to me..saying that I was being a "wiseass". My original intent was to be anything but.

I will also say that there have been other threads on your board that have made fun of Miatas, called Miatas "Fag cars", Miata drivers "gay" and made fun of the fact that some of us can't or won't cough up the extra $10 grand for an S2000. All this together, it doesn't sit well..at least with the Miata owners at RC.

I alluded to this situation in my other post by saying that as a fellow roadster owner I don't understand the sometime adversarial relationship that often occurs between S2K and Miata owners (I can't speak for the other type roadsters). IMO we are all driving enthusiasts who love our cars...that alone should be enough to call each other "friend". This is the main reason I am very sad about all that has transpired between our two boards..Because my intent was to do good, not bad. Unfortunately my bad judgement with regards to that one post undid my good intentions because it obviously had a snowball effect.

I get the impression that some (not all) of you don't like or respect Miata owners all that much and that saddens me. I would never look down on another driving enthusiast simply because they don't share my taste in cars or can't afford what I can..rather I look to like and respect them because they love their car as much as I love mine as well as love to drive their car in the same spirited manner that I do mine.

I've owned Mustangs for 15 years and while there was always some rivalry and ribbing between Mustangers and Camaro owners there was never the mean spiritness and snobbery between us and them that I've seen evidenced by some of the posts I've read here with regards to Miatas. I think that is very sad and I hope that my overall perception is wrong. IMO, there isn't any problem with being proud of what you drive but the question is...Where does friendly rivalry end and adversity begin? I really hope that what S2000 and Miata owners have is friendly rivalry because that is much more fun. A little competition can be a good thing.

As Airgate pointed out, email is a terrible way to communicate. My original post to your "S2000s for the Dragonball Run" was intended to be funny and tongue in cheek and came off as anything but. The response it generated didn't come off well. I am sincerely sorry for my part in this. I was hoping that my other posts better conveyed where I was coming from...because once again, I want to say that I was looking to do good, not bad..To extend my hand in friendship..not flip you guys "The Bird".

I'll say it again...You can be sure that if I see any S2000s coming up fast behind me I'll be sure to pull over with a friendly wave and thumbs up..as has been my practice in the Miata runs I've been to. Most of my compatriots react in this manner and are friendly, courteous and safe drivers. Our event is an All Roadster event and we do look forward to meeting and greeting fellow roadster enthusiasts. I am terribly sorry that we got off on the wrong foot here and hope that I have, in some small way, rectified things with what I hope is a conciliatory post. I'm not looking to rehash the situation here but to explain myself and offer up a sincere apology..and try to smooth things over. I know some of you have gone to RC and offered up comments and it looks like an understanding has been struck but I felt it important that I personally come over to offer an apology and an explanation.

I also promise not to stick my Miata nose in S2000 affairs. Trust me when I say that we RC'ers are a fun loving bunch and both events will be fun, safe events that hopefully will leave a good impression on all. I, for one, plan on pulling over and greeting you all personally when I see you..plus I never pass up the opportunity to check out an S2K. I saw one in the parking lot of my gym and my daughter practically had to pull me away kicking and screaming from it. I kept hoping the owner would come out so I could say "Hi" and chat with him about his car....

Again, my apologies and I mean it when I say Best of luck for a successful and safe event!.

See you in April!

BTW..I understand why you are all staying at the Hilton. In 2000 the Shelby American Automobile Club held it's national convention at Lime Rock Park in Connecticut. Like Deals Gap, Lime Rock is in a very rural area with a lot of "Mom and Pop" hotels. Rather than be spread out all over the place we opted to stay in a Sheraton about an hour away where we could gather together easily at night and yes, wash our cars and enjoy the pleasant amenities of life (like an indoor heated pool) after a long day of driving in the sun...
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Old 02-12-2002, 03:48 PM
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Well, I think Redline has done the most writing ever.

I just want to say that from my perspective, the majority of the RC in no way either resent sharing the road with other roadsters, nor is there any hostile feelings. I guess I am just a bit puzzled about what the fuss is all about. Some things were misunderstood, and a few people got a bit hot, I guess.
Anyway, you are all welcome to stop by (we are staying at the Fontana Dam) while you are there, and visit RoadsterChat. We can always use more varieties of roadsters. I like the difference of opinions and perspective.

Since some look on me as a leader there (I am a co-admin by luck I think, maybe?), I want to publicly say I am sorry that we had some misunderstandings.

Of course, we all, as we say due to an old typo, "lover" our cars and think that we own the best type, otherwise we wouldn't own them. So I can say that I wouldn't trade my car for anyother roadster...mmm maybe a 507.... or Z8.... ( ) but yeah, I appreciate your cars, so let's share. You feel free to defend your cars and lets have fun. Be safe!

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Old 02-12-2002, 04:24 PM

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Redline7000, zDeb...thank you. You are very gracious and I hope to have the opportunity to meet the two of you in the near future.
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Old 02-12-2002, 05:00 PM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by w1ngman
[B]Redline7000, zDeb...thank you.
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Old 02-12-2002, 05:19 PM
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Just wanted to echo w1ngman's thoughts. I can't wait to see you all out there. I think it's great that both events are on the same weekend an am looking very forward to it. I also wanted to point out that if you read "those miata" threads you'll see that there are quite a lot of us here on s2ki that are just as dissapointed with some of the behavior and commentary from our constituents as you are. Some people just don't get it I think many of us have given up trying to help them get it. As a result, many times the jerks end up with a disproportionate amount of airtime and end up doing the s2000 community as a whole an injustice. There are a$$holes in anygroup and ours is no exception. Take care and see ya on the Dragon.
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Old 02-12-2002, 05:57 PM
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redline 7000,
Definately well put. Hope no one thinks i've been an ahole.... ??
I've welcomed your attendance from the beginning.. hope to see you guys there...
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Old 02-12-2002, 06:16 PM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by krhorrocks
[B]Just wanted to echo w1ngman's thoughts.
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Old 02-12-2002, 06:18 PM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by ccarnel
[B]redline 7000,
Definately well put.
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Old 02-13-2002, 03:43 AM

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Thanks for being the "peacemaker" Redline. I had a nice book written up, waiting for my ezboard confirmation (sloooooooooow) but it may not be needed. I'll reread it and post the valuable parts.

Thanks again!
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Old 02-13-2002, 09:28 AM
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First, thanks Redline7000 for extending the olive branch and bring this back to a respectable level of mutual respect.

Being that I've only been an owner of a S2000 less than two months. The car that I had before was a MR2 Spyder, and that I looked at buying a Miata when I bought my Spyder. One of the reason I decided to get a roadster was all the different groups of individuals out there that loved to get together and talk about cars and have fun was huge. For me it's about having fun and getting to know people who have a common interest. It's not about who's car is better. Originally I was going to the Dragon with the Spyders, but when my Honda Dealer was able to meet my expectations I decided to take him up on the S2000. Now I will be going to the Dragon with the S2000 group, and look forward to being able to put a face to some of the friends I made on Spyderchat while meeting some people at Roadsterchat. It should be a great weekend of AWESOME cars and fun driving.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Redline7000

Thank you W1ngman! When you are at the Gap,
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