Why are Yankees Like Hemorrhoids?
Au contrere'! South of the Mason Dixon line lie the most congenial, soft mannered, intellectually superior race of men (and women) who ever graced the face of the earth! Their way of life has been evolved over hundreds of years and is at one with their cotton pickin environment. Those who live NORTH of the Mason Dixon line are liberal carpetbaggers who can't stand that our way of life is superior to theirs! They keep dropping down to hang around, impregnate our women and steal our riches!
Yankees are vile, pretentious, pompus SOB's who know nothing of the finer things in life, such as mint julips on the veranda in the late afternoon, fried chicken and collard greens, Burban and cigars, and a "darkie" to fetch your horse and dogs for the Quail hunt!
I've gone too far with this, haven't I?
Yankees are vile, pretentious, pompus SOB's who know nothing of the finer things in life, such as mint julips on the veranda in the late afternoon, fried chicken and collard greens, Burban and cigars, and a "darkie" to fetch your horse and dogs for the Quail hunt!
I've gone too far with this, haven't I?
Originally posted by MyBad
Au contrere'! South of the Mason Dixon ...(snip)
Au contrere'! South of the Mason Dixon ...(snip)