<anything off this list will work>
1 pirate named Johnny
a double cheeseburger
a pina colada complete w/lido umbrella
a hot fudge sundae
bigger boobs
a sunflower what's your address?
to be 21
a straw hat what's your address?
world peace what's your address?
a smile on my face what's your address?
a St Bernard puppy
my house back to normal
1 pirate named Johnny
a double cheeseburger
a pina colada complete w/lido umbrella
a hot fudge sundae
bigger boobs
a sunflower what's your address?
to be 21
a straw hat what's your address?
world peace what's your address?
a smile on my face what's your address?
a St Bernard puppy
my house back to normal
Originally Posted by 8D_In_Trunk,Sep 25 2007, 02:10 AM
That there centipede looks like some modern art. . . I like it. . . but you can keep the annoying box.
I can't hear anything