I live in north raleigh and i never see any other s2ks. The ones ive seen are a red one in the morning heading north on falls of the neuse. A white one on capital heading south yesterday and a white one on falls in front of the blockbuster near durant. But its not a common occurence at all.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by CyrusA
I live in north raleigh and i never see any other s2ks. The ones ive seen are a red one in the morning heading north on falls of the neuse. A white one on capital heading south yesterday and a white one on falls in front of the blockbuster near durant.
I live in north raleigh and i never see any other s2ks. The ones ive seen are a red one in the morning heading north on falls of the neuse. A white one on capital heading south yesterday and a white one on falls in front of the blockbuster near durant.
Same here. Most days I see atleast one S on my daily trip to and from work on Glenwood. In the summer, I see alot more. I always when a see another S, so if you see a Silverstone with a hardtop, wave back.