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View Poll Results: Which owners do you think pose the hardest?
Dodge Neon SRT-4
Ferrari (any late model)
Ford Mustang
Honda Civic
Honda S2000
Porsche Boxster
Subaru Impreza WRX / STi
Toyota Prius
Volkswagen Jetta
Voters: 240. You may not vote on this poll

Top 10 Poser Cars For New Generation Pretenders

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Old 03-19-2011, 06:09 PM
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Default Top 10 Poser Cars For New Generation Pretenders

So recently the Internet worked its way into a conversation / almost fist fight as to which cars have the largest percentage of 'posers' overall. The degree of posing seemed to vary based on the car, but there seemed to be some consistent vehicles that kept coming up in conversation, and as the beers turned into pitchers, and the blood alcohol levels started to approach college GPA levels for people way smarter than me, we broke down why these stereotypes have tainted these vehicles reputations. So, without further ado, here is what my slightly inebriated friends and I determined. Read at your own risk. The cars are in no particular order, which is why I posted a poll so that you the public could weigh in on this matter of national security.

** IMPORTANT NOTE!! There are exceptions to everything, so I am not saying EVERY owner of these cars is like this, it is simply a general statement from the personal experiences of my friends and I over the years. Your mileage (and ability to pose) may vary. **

1.) BMW M3 - Never has a Blue Tooth headset, a pair of Oakley sunglasses, and $14,000 worth of aftermarket parts, looked so useless as when these posers show up. Somehow the M3 crowd seems to think that just because your car is bred from the racetrack that the mere ownership of such a vehicle makes you (by default) the king sh*t of any car meet you show up to. Not only are you the king of the meet, but it is of the utmost importance for you to double park your car in the crowded parking lot for owners of 'lesser cars' to admire it (at a distance of course), jump out talking on your hands free headset so loudly about how you just spent $2,000 on a carbon fiber front lip that everyone within a 400 foot radius has to hear you. For good measure the offending poser can often be witnessed sipping Starbucks and talking to other M3 owners about how their cars will own anything else that dares approach them, and how owning a BMW not only made them taller and better looking, but also gives them super powers. These creators of the 'hard park' will hesitate to actually back up their smack talking, preferring to stand in the parking lot talking about how much money they have spent on their car, how much more they will be spending, and how they do not want to take it out to race because they have spent too much on it to risk messing it up. They will stay long enough at a car meet or car show to make everyone else feel inferior before leaving in a wolf pack of other M3s who will then blast down the freeway flicking people off as they go because the rest of the world did not get out of their way.

2.) Dodge Neon SRT-4 - Possibly one of the most flagrant offenders of posing, the Neon owner lives in a world where nothing matters other than quarter mile times. The SRT-4 owner can be seen at local high schools with a tatoo of their idol, Vin Diesel, prominently engraved on their back or bicep. When not flipping burgers to earn money for that next 'big mod', the SRT-4 owner practices the art of scowling at people stopped at traffic lights. Their favorite prey is someone with a much faster car who has no intention of racing them anyway. WARNING! The SRT-4 owner will not take 'no' for an answer, and has no qualms about being a stoplight hero and revving every light before their prey is forced to either turn off at the next intersection, or succumb to the pressures and actually race the pimply faced teen behind the wheel. Not wanting to be humiliated in front of their 15 year old girlfriend, the SRT-4 owner will quickly turn off at the next possible intersection by cutting across 4 lanes of traffic and popping their blow off valve to express their superiority.

3.) Ferrari (any late model) - Never has a car been more of a fashion statement than a late model Ferrari. The owners of these legitimate rocket ships from another dimension prefer to pose so hard that they often command the ability to do it from their own home. They do so by pulling the car out of the garage and waiting for others to drive by, admire the car, and beg them for information such as how much it cost, how fast it goes, and so on. The Ferrari owner is more than happy to oblige and goes a step further by typically taking pride in bragging on how much of a sucker they are for paying $XX,XXX OVER STICKER for a car they have no real intentions of driving. When these owners do have the inclination to drive their rolling testaments to wealth, they want to make sure that everyone else they come across KNOWS that they own a Ferrari, and do so by outfitting themselves head to toe with Ferrari emblem clothing, hats, cloves, shoes, necklaces, and whatever else they can get their hands on that lets the public know that THEY drive a car worth more than most peoples home. The posing goes a step further when some owners decide their cars are WAY too valuable to be driven the 50 miles to an out of town event, and actually trailer the cars there so that they are not forced to mingle with the 'commoners' on the highway, or put any miles on their car that would possibly result in lost re-sale value. Once done standing by their car and admonishing anyone that dares question why they spent $XXX,XXX on a car they never drive, the Ferrari owner will then launch into a diatribe about the heritage of the car and how '...if you do not own a Ferrari, you just don't understand...'.

4.) Ford Mustang - Taken to a slightly different level of posing, the Mustang owner most enjoys swilling cans of domestic beer and doing shirtless burnouts between rounds of beating his girlfriend and holding up liquor stores. When they are not locked up for their last DUI, the Mustang owner will often look for any opportunity to antagonize people who are at other car meets minding their own business. Their arch nemesis is anything 'foreign'. Convinced that the Mustang is not only the best car $18,000 and a marginal credit score can buy, they also think that the Mustang is the ONLY real car ever produced in the world....period! If anyone dares question this matter, the Mustang owner will tell the offending person to 'go f*ck themselves' and spit on their car before proclaiming that '....there is no replacement for displacement...'. Well, evidently there is a replacement for intelligence, because the Mustang owner also seems to think there is no replacement for pure, unfiltered, noise. They will exhibit this by either running straight pipes or removing their exhaust system all together in order to make sure that when they pull into the gas station or car show EVERYONE notices. Further posing is done by sitting and power braking at every opportunity. Because where there is smoke, there is fire, and the Mustang owner wants you to know their car is HOT!!

5.) Honda Civic - The originator of 'vinyl horsepower' that spurred a multi-billion dollar afermarket revolving purely around 'hard parking' and making slow cars look fast. The Civic owner will spend twice their annual salary, and get into credit card debt on 16 different credit cards, while making payments on a set of Tenzo wheels at Tire Barn, all to make sure that they LOOK faster than they really are. Weighing down their 150 hp cars with heavy body kits that have no real aerodynamic engineering thought other than 'the more obnoxious the better', the Civic owner believes that the more vinyl stickers for speed parts you put on your car, the faster you really are. Not only that, but the Civic owner is convinced that if you put the badging to a faster model car onto your car, that you ACTUALLY have the power and performance of said vehicle. (Example: Civic Si badge on a base Civic = ownership of Civic Si) The Civic owner is also convinced that the ram air intake they put on their car has DOUBLED their actually horsepower, and that the 'mAd tItE VtaK, yo' is the equivalent of a solid rocket booster from the space shuttle being attached to their car, and compensates for the 400 lbs of stereo equipment they have in their trunk. These wizards of modern engineering will not hesitate to make outlandish claims of 'kills' that they have done, and how their rice rockets 'owned' cars that are mathematically impossible for them to have beaten. When not practicing being an 'Internet bada$$', you will find them hanging out at the local speed shop leaning up against their car and blasting their mega-watt stereo with gangsta' rap music, further reinforcing their 'hardness'. Should you endeavor to challenge them to a race, they will decline with reasons such as, 'low on gas' or their 'license is suspended'. They will, of course, leave the parking lot in a tire smoking burnout regardless.

6.) Honda S2000 - A good car given a bad reputation by a swath of owners buying them cheap on the used market and not understanding what they are buying. The current round of early model S2000s are being snapped up with the quickness by prior Civic owners who have looked at the S2000 as the end all be all of Honda existence. The car that nothing else dare touch, because if you have a 9,000 RPM redline, it does not matter that you lack any real usable torque. The poser set that procures these vehicles often buys them without any real understanding of what they are buying, and does not understand that the S2000 is a car that can kill you if you are not careful, and kill those within a 200 foot radius of your spinning out of control car too, if you do not pay attention. Not wanting to be bothered by the 'ripoff' of buying proper tires for their car, the used S2000 buyer will often slap whatever is cheapest on the car in order to take the money they saved and buy a HUGE carbon fiber wing, ear drum piercing exhaust, and a body kit. Afterall, why actually be able to do pesky things like grip the road when you can look like a bi-plane just landed on your trunk, and your car had a bad physical reaction to radiation and is now protruding out every body panel like a roided up power lifter? Further cost savings and posing is done by popping out those finely engineered factory springs and just cutting off as many coils as the owner sees fit until their car is sitting an inch off of the ground and bouncing around like a fat kids belly while driving down the highway. The 9,000 RPM redline is perfectly optimized for the 'ricer fly-by', where the owner who has been sitting talking about how much 'naws' (or 'nitrous oxide' to the uninitiated) they are running will take it upon themselves to zing past any perceived challenger on the highway while bouncing their car off of the rev limiter and passing on the shoulder, and establishing themselves as the baddest thing on 4-wheels. Take it to the track? Nope! Not a chance. It is much more satisfying for this owner to 'do mad drifts' while going around anything that can even be perceived as a corner, no matter who they endanger. Often totalled within 6 months of purchase, the owners blame everyone, and everything, but themselves for the accidents they cause.

7.) Porsche Boxster - The Boxster owner is perhaps most guilty of simply not understanding that their car is, in fact, the Honda Civic of the 'upper level' luxury car brands. With Boxsters now changing hands on the used car market for the price of a base model Hyundai, Boxster owners have trouble coming to grips with the fact that they purchased a car that is not actually fast at all, and simply exists to allow people that could not swing the big bat for a 911, a place to go to say they 'drive a Porsche'. The Boxster owner does not hesitate to make sure that when they go out to dinner they place their car keys (and large Porsche key chain) on the edge of the table so that everyone can see that they are 'the sh*t'. Much like the Ferrari owner, the Boxster owner will go out to every function dressed in Porsche apparel, and often has a license plate with something like 'MY PORSCHE' as their tag. This car is also the favorite choice of the trophy wife, mistress, or hair dresser. Able to convey a sporting image without actually having to be sporty in any real way, the Boxster is the #1 choice for the suburban pretender.

8.) Subaru Impreza WRX / STi - If ever a group of car owners was dubbed a danger to humanity, it is the Subaru Impreza WRX and STi owner. These owners take posing to a level beyond normal posers, as they (on occasion) believe their own hype. Living on the premise that since their car was bred from a legitimate rally car, they are (by default) rally racers themselves, the WRX and STi owners have determined that the world is their rally course, and f*ck you if you think otherwise. So their posing is not so much sitting around in parking lots running their mouths as it is tearing through your front lawn, pulling e-brake turns, and jumping speed bumps and hills like they are in the qualifying rounds of the WRC finals. As opposed to polishing their cars to a shimmering and blinding exhibit of parking lot jewelry, the WRX and STi owner feels that the more dirt, mud, grass, and brake dust, they have on their car, the more 'real' they are. After all, why actually hang around to see if that poor ba$tard in the Corvette you just cut off and ran into the median will catch you, when you can zip to your closest friends parents basement and log on to your 'kill forum' and brag about how you just 'owned' them. Their posing is done on a more dangerous course....the Internet. I mean, what good is doing borderline illegal $hit if you cannot brag about it to your equally mentally damaged friends?

9.) Toyota Prius - Posing to the 'green generation'. Prius owners are a different kind of poser. They have no intention of going fast, going to car meets, or doing anything like that. In fact, they pride themselves on making sure that nobody else in the world enjoys even one moment of their lives on the road, and takes every opportunity to drive below the speed limit in the passing lane of the highway in order to 'hyper mile' their car and get that last tenth of a mile out of their tank. They view themselves as far too good for getting out of the way of faster traffic and the 'gas hogs' that share the road with them. The Prius owner has refined their art to 'social posing' even further by plastering their car with 'Free Tibet' stickers, peace signs, and 'Obama' decals. Granted, they have never been to Tibet, have no understanding of peace as they antagonize their fellow motorists by blocking traffic, and only voted for Obama because they hated the 'fat cat Republicans' who they really know nothing about beyond what they hear at their shift working at the Apple Store or local coffee shop. The Prius owner dreams of a world where Steve Jobs is President, and where everyone is forced into a world where nothing fun happens, and every car is brown or tan in color. They lack an understanding of basic rules of the road, and have annointed themselves the keepers of the peace as such. Should you be so bold as to attempt to pass one of these rolling roadblocks in order actually get somewhere, expect to be met with a fierce stare, and possibly an extended middle finger. In a nutshell, the Prius owner is simply an annoyance, and takes social posing to the next level.

10.) Volkswagen Jetta - The Jetta owner is different than our other offenders, and poses in a few distinct ways. The first level of posing is the high school / college girl. It seems almost epidemic that high school and college girls are drawn to the Jetta with almost the same force they are drawn to fad diets, designer jeans, and oversized purses. Viewed as a 'junior BMW or Mercedes', the Jetta is often seen zipping through mall parking lots and sorority houses with reckless abandon as the clueless drivers text away with no real regard to whatever is in their way, and the car on virtual auto pilot. The posing done with a Jetta by this group is more of a 'total package' statement than anything else. They want the world to know that Daddy bought them something better than the Sunfire their friends drive, and that driving a Jetta makes you better than a 'common girl' due to the fact that it is more expensive to fix when they eventually wreck it. Additionally, the Jetta driver is VERY concerned with image, and being seen as attractive by others. While this leads to a positive phenomenon where a high percentage of Jetta drivers are attractive young females whose insecurity and low self-esteem forces them to look good at all times, it can also be dangerous as the drivers will often be preening themselves and applying make-up while driving, often ending up rear ending the SUV in front of them. Posing while driving = danger to the general public, and hence the Jetta driver is a danger to the public by way of their posing.
Old 03-19-2011, 06:56 PM
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only car i've never seen on the race track from your list is the prius. so i will vote for that!
Old 03-19-2011, 08:47 PM
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The Neon, & it's not even close really.
Old 03-20-2011, 02:28 AM
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Anything AMG.
Old 03-20-2011, 02:44 AM

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dude, you have to add that super homo Cobalt SS to this list
Old 03-20-2011, 04:47 AM
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Originally Posted by fishfryer
Anything AMG.
True. The pose factor there is epic. With the 'AMG' emblem being put on more non-AMG cars than actual true AMG cars, it seems. Good call.
Old 03-20-2011, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by DanZilla
dude, you have to add that super homo Cobalt SS to this list
LOL!! I have heard that to be true. Oddly enough, we rarely see any around her. But I did have a buddy who owned an orange one (actually a pretty neat looking car with Recaro seats), but he sold it because too many people tried to race him at every possible opportunity.
Old 03-20-2011, 08:01 AM
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The percentage of douche-y SRT-4 drivers I see pushes all the others down into the noise. Not 100% but probably 85, lol.
Old 03-20-2011, 09:07 AM
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When I had my STI and ran into other cars on the road I would just get a thumbs up from most Civic / WRX / S2000 drivers. Every SRT-4 driver I ran into made sure to try and race, or at least brake boost to let me hear their BOV. Then at the stop light they would take off, even if I was behind and to the side of them, just so I knew they could.

The other car that would always try to prove something to me was G35 drivers for some reason, which always confused the hell out of me.

When I drove my S2000, Civic drivers turned into flat out idiots, sometimes veering into my lane just so I would notice them.

All the VW people I met in this area were good guys as well, a couple would always come on the Subaru meets. I think a lot of it depends on the area and the relative wealth of the people in that area. I could go 2 months between seeing a M3 on the road, so no idea on that or some of the other 'rarer' cars.
Old 03-20-2011, 10:28 AM

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I would definitely add Evos and Scion TCs to the list. The Evo is a great car and so is the TC (relatuve to its intended purpose) but I have found than so many of their respective owners are the sort that have a lip ring in the corner of their mouth, wear bagggy black pants and a hoody with an angel wing motif, with a sideways baseball cap and thick black glasses. Sort of your A typical urban shitheel Linkin Park fan. I can think of few types of people that are bigger posers than those who can't even decide which style they are trying to bite off of so they go into default mode with a little bit of everything. Does that guy like rock or rap? Is he emo or a skater? Does he date men or women? The answer to all of these questions and more is "yes." These toolbags remind me of Poochie from the Simpsons. An all purpose character who has no identity of his own.

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