WTT LSV-T integra 282hp for stock S2K
WTT LSV-T integra 282hp for stock S2K
[media]294243_260466677304382_100000231553835_1068590_668 5747_n.jpg[/media]
Located in east bay
please email jdmdc2.510@gmail.com <<< straight to phone thX
Hybridworks tuned and can vouch for this car
gsr head
LS block
Shot peened LS rods
ARP bolts
ACL bearings
50 trim turbo
lots of parts to list
[media]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/288837_260467240637659_100000231553835_1068592_744 99_o.jpg[/media]
Located in east bay
please email jdmdc2.510@gmail.com <<< straight to phone thX
Hybridworks tuned and can vouch for this car
gsr head
LS block
Shot peened LS rods
ARP bolts
ACL bearings
50 trim turbo
lots of parts to list
[media]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/288837_260467240637659_100000231553835_1068592_744 99_o.jpg[/media]
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Guys it's ok for him to post this on here. People that are looking to buy or get an s2000 are fine to post cus they are potential future owner/member of this forum. He's not trying to sell the car either just wants to trade for an s2000.