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What is really going on in the world?

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Old 04-25-2012, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by rob-2
Originally Posted by S2KN05' timestamp='1334768020' post='21619932
[quote name='rob-2' timestamp='1334597465' post='21612478']
[quote name='S2KN05' timestamp='1334542515' post='21610539']
[quote name='rob-2' timestamp='1334526675' post='21609949']
Nothing you've presented here is new, or news worthy. So what is this life-changing event you're currently going through? Maybe instead of sharing someone else's content you want to put into your own words some ideas, thoughts, concerns or feelings.
It may not be new to you but new to someone else. I doubt that though because no one knows 100% of the world. If you do, answer me a couple of questions.

1. Do you know who the Illuminati are? CFR? Committee of 300?
2. Who runs the debt based financial system?
3. What government does the Federal Reserve and IRS falls under?
4. What is Washington DC? Does this state belongs to America?
5. What is de facto and de jure government?
6. What government structure does the US falls under?

If you can answer them all along, why didn't you share with everyone? If you don't have those answers, do the research. If you won't do the research, please go back to whatever you were doing and forget about this thread. You will find out sooner or later. And let say we agree to disagree on this particular topic/thread because I know what you are trying to do and so do you.

Videos pictures are worth a more than thousand of words and they are way better than what I can write.

Anyways, the content belongs to everyone. Sharing is caring. I'm here because I care about everyone of you; even the people I haven't met yet. You guys are all my friends and future friends that I haven't met yet. I know some of you will act the way you do, but that is just human nature. Like I said before, if this thread doesn't suit you, please go back to what ever you were doing.
I am aware of everything you've posted thus far, could answer all your questions but that's not what I asked of you. I asked you to post your own content instead of posting mostly BS youtube videos that are unresearched.

You're taking the lazy man's way in this whole 'sharing' bit. You do none of your own research, state nothing of your own opinion and when asked you post some BS 'prove how smart you are' set of questions. Second time you've pulled this bull shit Minh, second time.

Assume for a moment I'm a whole lot smarter than you, well versed in both legitimate news and most of the content you've post. I'm well informed on the legal standings of our government, financials and foreign policy. I'm also well informed on most of the international groups this country is a part of. Armed with that information begin to speak to me at a level of intelligence greater than you currently are. As a bench mark, if you were in any of the political science class I took you'd be failing.

Since you're going to nit pick on my words here. I'm not asking you to prove your intelligence. I'm asking you to say something worth reading, that you've researched, documented and footnoted. Currently you have no thesis, just a crazy mans ramblings and inability to be held accountable for the content.

As for why I don't share this stuff. I only share what I know. So far you've proved to me, you know nothing in these matters and why I'm giving you a hard time. You're not sharing anything, you're sharing junk. Unresearched, undocumented, ramblings of other people's undeveloped thoughts.

Non-political example. You're the fatty who eats junk food, talking to me, the in shape diet expert on how to eat right. Live it before you preach it son.

Since I'm happy to discuss this topic, don't take my post as anything more than a firm request for you to post something of merit. Something of value, that you yourself have researched and have a well formed grasp of with solid reasoning.

Lol . I don't really care about your opinion, your thinking, or whatever you may feel because it's obvious that you have a motive. Like I said, you can belief in whatever you want and I'll belief in what I want. I already told you countless time and you are still trying to find ways to start something. It's strange because you don't act like this in real life. You have to remember that I'm your friend. We hung out together. Do I try to find ways to attack you for your thinking? Anyways, I don't play the game that you're trying to play. That's just some kiddy game to me.

I thought better of you. My mistake.

Dude. I don't care what you think about me. I don't care if you did thought better about me or not. I don't need to prove anything to you or anyone. What benefits do I get from this if I do? Absolutely nothing, zero, zip. What benefits do you get from this besides streaking your ego? Have you gotten that into your big ego head? Everything doesn't revolves around you. I'm respectful of you and everyone that's why I answered your comments on my beliefs. This will be the last time I'm responding to your silly meaningless game that you're playing. You can play by yourself. I play a bigger game and I play for keeps. You do make make me laugh though when we joke around .

P.S. The more you write, the more you show truthfully who you really are. Thanks for showing your true self to the whole world.
Old 04-25-2012, 08:15 AM
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New Case of Mad Cow Disease in California

The first new case of mad cow disease in the U.S. since 2006 has been discovered in a dairy cow in California, but health authorities said Tuesday the animal never was a threat to the nation's food supply. (April 24)

^ Looks like it's time to stop eating unnatural cows.

Say Hello To Your Corporate Police

Police staff throughout the county of Lincolnshire are now proudly wearing the logo of their corporate bosses, as Government cuts force privatization of the nation’s peacekeepers.

G4S, a controversial multi-national security corporation has now virtually taken over all civilian positions in the region, including front counter staff at police stations, control room operators, custodians at local holding cells, and even inquiry officers. In total 550 employees who previously worked for Lincolnshire Police Authority are now considered private sector workers, essentially accountable only to company policy, with 200 or so already sporting the G4S stamp.

Paul McKeever, chairman of the Police Federation has voiced his concern [1][2], saying the switch over will confuse the public and make police work more difficult.

“People know what a fully warranted officer can do and when you find someone who doesn’t possess those powers but appears to, that will cause confusion.

The deterrent effect of having warranted officers is lost.”

He also called it a worrying step towards private on-the-street policing.
Old 04-25-2012, 08:29 AM
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Hidden Meaning in the New $100 Bill (by Bix Weir)

Read article and find links at - Of course I was excited about the new $100 bill having all that gold on it because I was tipped off years ago that it would be "special" when it finally got released. One of the central themes of my work at the Road to Roota Letters is that there is a group of people working to end the fiat money system and return the US back to the Gold Standard. READ HOW THIS BILL SECRETLY INTRODUCES THE NEW GOLD STANDARD

CNN Loses Half Its Viewers: Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Explodes

The Intel Hub
March 29, 2012

In the last few years the people of the world have witnessed and been a part of a mass awakening of humanity on a level never seen before.

The people are no longer standing idly by as the powers that be further seek to control every aspect of their lives.

A major part of this mass awakening has been the revelation that the corporate controlled media has literally served the military industrial complex for at least the last 20 years.

As advertisers and readers flock to the alternative media, the old dinosaur media continues its downhill plunge with CNN leading the free fall.

This fact was solidified by the recent release of the March and Q1 cable news ratings which showed CNN down a total of up to 50% and a downhill turn by all three cable news networks.

An article released on these numbers by TVNewser outlined the new ratings:

CNN bore the brunt of the downward trend the news networks experienced this month and for much of the first quarter, when compared to the busy first few months of 2011. For the month of March, CNN was down -50% in total viewers and down -60% in A25-54 viewers (Total Day).

Although overall net traffic was down up to 21%, the fact remains that the alternative media continues their upward trend while the corporate funded lapdog media continues to plunge into oblivion.

When you consider that stations such as CNN and Fox News are receiving millions and millions of dollars of corporate advertising revenue yet failing to expand, the reality of the continual mass awakening that we now find ourselves in becomes much clearer.

News outlets that continue to server the new world order will soon be the thing of the past as real media finally breaks through the once rock solid stranglehold the powers that be have had on the media.

More Michigan Mutations from Fallout 4.21.2012

Dandelions found today in a parking lot in Rochester Hills Michigan, about 20 miles north of Detroit, where I found mutations last weekend.
Old 04-25-2012, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by S2KN05
Originally Posted by rob-2' timestamp='1335292927' post='21638801
[quote name='S2KN05' timestamp='1334768020' post='21619932']
[quote name='rob-2' timestamp='1334597465' post='21612478']
[quote name='S2KN05' timestamp='1334542515' post='21610539']
[quote name='rob-2' timestamp='1334526675' post='21609949']
Nothing you've presented here is new, or news worthy. So what is this life-changing event you're currently going through? Maybe instead of sharing someone else's content you want to put into your own words some ideas, thoughts, concerns or feelings.
It may not be new to you but new to someone else. I doubt that though because no one knows 100% of the world. If you do, answer me a couple of questions.

1. Do you know who the Illuminati are? CFR? Committee of 300?
2. Who runs the debt based financial system?
3. What government does the Federal Reserve and IRS falls under?
4. What is Washington DC? Does this state belongs to America?
5. What is de facto and de jure government?
6. What government structure does the US falls under?

If you can answer them all along, why didn't you share with everyone? If you don't have those answers, do the research. If you won't do the research, please go back to whatever you were doing and forget about this thread. You will find out sooner or later. And let say we agree to disagree on this particular topic/thread because I know what you are trying to do and so do you.

Videos pictures are worth a more than thousand of words and they are way better than what I can write.

Anyways, the content belongs to everyone. Sharing is caring. I'm here because I care about everyone of you; even the people I haven't met yet. You guys are all my friends and future friends that I haven't met yet. I know some of you will act the way you do, but that is just human nature. Like I said before, if this thread doesn't suit you, please go back to what ever you were doing.
I am aware of everything you've posted thus far, could answer all your questions but that's not what I asked of you. I asked you to post your own content instead of posting mostly BS youtube videos that are unresearched.

You're taking the lazy man's way in this whole 'sharing' bit. You do none of your own research, state nothing of your own opinion and when asked you post some BS 'prove how smart you are' set of questions. Second time you've pulled this bull shit Minh, second time.

Assume for a moment I'm a whole lot smarter than you, well versed in both legitimate news and most of the content you've post. I'm well informed on the legal standings of our government, financials and foreign policy. I'm also well informed on most of the international groups this country is a part of. Armed with that information begin to speak to me at a level of intelligence greater than you currently are. As a bench mark, if you were in any of the political science class I took you'd be failing.

Since you're going to nit pick on my words here. I'm not asking you to prove your intelligence. I'm asking you to say something worth reading, that you've researched, documented and footnoted. Currently you have no thesis, just a crazy mans ramblings and inability to be held accountable for the content.

As for why I don't share this stuff. I only share what I know. So far you've proved to me, you know nothing in these matters and why I'm giving you a hard time. You're not sharing anything, you're sharing junk. Unresearched, undocumented, ramblings of other people's undeveloped thoughts.

Non-political example. You're the fatty who eats junk food, talking to me, the in shape diet expert on how to eat right. Live it before you preach it son.

Since I'm happy to discuss this topic, don't take my post as anything more than a firm request for you to post something of merit. Something of value, that you yourself have researched and have a well formed grasp of with solid reasoning.

Lol . I don't really care about your opinion, your thinking, or whatever you may feel because it's obvious that you have a motive. Like I said, you can belief in whatever you want and I'll belief in what I want. I already told you countless time and you are still trying to find ways to start something. It's strange because you don't act like this in real life. You have to remember that I'm your friend. We hung out together. Do I try to find ways to attack you for your thinking? Anyways, I don't play the game that you're trying to play. That's just some kiddy game to me.

I thought better of you. My mistake.

Dude. I don't care what you think about me. I don't care if you did thought better about me or not. I don't need to prove anything to you or anyone. What benefits do I get from this if I do? Absolutely nothing, zero, zip. What benefits do you get from this besides streaking your ego? Have you gotten that into your big ego head? Everything doesn't revolves around you. I'm respectful of you and everyone that's why I answered your comments on my beliefs. This will be the last time I'm responding to your silly meaningless game that you're playing. You can play by yourself. I play a bigger game and I play for keeps. You do make make me laugh though when we joke around .

P.S. The more you write, the more you show truthfully who you really are. Thanks for showing your true self to the whole world.

Take care Minh.
Old 04-25-2012, 06:37 PM
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