Originally Posted by iceple,May 1 2008, 11:23 AM
how you like it?
--cool for a scooter, even though it's only 49cc
--looks way tougher than a Vespa or Piaggio
--gets waves and hellos from all sorts of people (in a good way)...i've talked to bikers, harley guys, and random people at coffee shops just pulling's definitely a conversation piece, especially when you tell them it's a Honda
--clean emissions: 4-stroke engine (this means you don't have to mix the fuel and motor oil)
--LOTS of mods and aftermarket support, including forums =)
--gets 80--100mpg
--fillups at gas station cost $~4.50 right now for 87 octane--show that receipt to the SUV next to you...hahahhah
--only goes about 40-45mph...tucking down can get you toward 45mph!
--only room for one rider
--requires an M1 (motorcycle) license, registration, and insurance (other states only require you to pay a small fee and don't consider anything under 50cc to be a motorcycle...blame it on california and the popularity of gopeds from several years ago--they split the licensing into M1/M2 classes to accommodate gopeds and keep kids from zipping around)
--it's a bike...and there are scary cars and scary (read:unaware) drivers around you
--you find reasons to go run errands... ..and only realize later that you've been riding around just for the fun of it.
--there's no storage on the bike...i had to get an underseat storage bag. not a big comes with the industrial theme of the bike.
--mods may end up consuming the fuel savings from your wallet. it's got a great aftermarket support channel.
--you may want to do an engine a GY6 150cc engine...costs $$$
--you'll realize that an expensive exhaust on an S2000 is about the same price as a used Ruckus
--you'll think twice about that mod for the S2000 b/c you can get about 5 things for the same $$$ for your newfound toy
I don't think you'll regret getting one...
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