question about unemployment
<<<self-employed with employees... If you quit a job, it is considered "unwilling to work" thus no unemployment. But a work history with said company must be established so I don't think 5 days is gonna qualify her. You CAN get unemployment for being fired. It's up to the employer to fight whether or not the employee should be paid unemployment. I'm not sure what EDD considers a good enough reason to not pay unemployment. Unemployment isn't paid fully by the employer....only a very small portion that is paid into as part of emplyment taxes.
A employee is only eligible for unemployment benefits if the employee quit their job with "good cause".
The California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board has defined "good cause" for quitting a job as: "a real, substantial, and compelling reason of such nature as would cause a reasonable person genuinely desirous of retaining employment to take similar action." This definition means that a worker must show a very good reason for quitting and convince the EDD that any reasonable person would quit under those conditions.
In other words, just quitting because you feel like it doesn't count. You need to show that basically you had no other choice.
The California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board has defined "good cause" for quitting a job as: "a real, substantial, and compelling reason of such nature as would cause a reasonable person genuinely desirous of retaining employment to take similar action." This definition means that a worker must show a very good reason for quitting and convince the EDD that any reasonable person would quit under those conditions.
In other words, just quitting because you feel like it doesn't count. You need to show that basically you had no other choice.