Flagstaff Hardtop
Flagstaff Hardtop
as promised, here is an update with my hardtop order from flagstaff for $2700 shipped. i placed the order 2 mondays ago, and received it on wednesday of the following week. the delivery company called me to confirm someone would be home to accept the box. everything came as expected, and the kit for my MY03 was also included.
hope this helps for future purchase considerations.
hope this helps for future purchase considerations.
yup, paint looks identical.
for those that complained about hardtop creaking, i got the same thing initially. i dabbed shinetsu over the rubber fittings on the hardtop right along the rear windshield, and it went away. the thing is to make sure the shinetsu makes contact with the entire black trim between your trunk and softtop. i applied it only to the outer surface of the hardtop's rubber seals, but missed the rubber that's indented. that indented rubber portion also makes contact with the black trimming after locking the hardtop to the chassis due to compression, and that indented rubber part w/o shinetsu could continue to cause the creaking against the black trimming.
for those that complained about hardtop creaking, i got the same thing initially. i dabbed shinetsu over the rubber fittings on the hardtop right along the rear windshield, and it went away. the thing is to make sure the shinetsu makes contact with the entire black trim between your trunk and softtop. i applied it only to the outer surface of the hardtop's rubber seals, but missed the rubber that's indented. that indented rubber portion also makes contact with the black trimming after locking the hardtop to the chassis due to compression, and that indented rubber part w/o shinetsu could continue to cause the creaking against the black trimming.
Originally Posted by Tony Yeung,May 1 2006, 10:09 PM
does the paint match your car? i only ask because i bought a lip prepainted form Honda and i specifically told them 00 silverstone paint but when i got it, it was 04 silverstone paint T_T